
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Two School Shootings This Week....

The week of October 26, 2013.

First, Nevada.  Two days later,  a Massachusetts teacher is murdered on school grounds.
"...there are really only two choices for protecting open societies from attacks like the one on Westgate mall where so-called 'soft targets' are hit: either create secure perimeters around the locations or allow civilians to carry their own guns to protect themselves.
'Societies have to think about how they're going to approach the problem,' Noble said. 'One is to say we want an armed citizenry; you can see the reason for that. Another is to say the enclaves are so secure that in order to get into the soft target you're going to have to pass through extraordinary security... 
How do you protect soft targets? That's really the challenge. You can't have armed police forces everywhere... 
What I'm saying is it makes police around the world question their views on gun control. It makes citizens question their views on gun control. You have to ask yourself, 'Is an armed citizenry more necessary now than it was in the past with an evolving threat...'"
Ron K. Noble, Secretary General, Interpol
Interpol chief ponders armed citizenry 

Providing "extraordinary security" for schools is a practical and financial impossibility. It is too expensive, and there have been cases where school shootings take place outside the buildings where metal detectors and bag searches are going to find nothing. Half-mile gun free zones around schools have stopped nothing.

It is time to admit that the gun free school zones experiment, which has been ongoing for over twenty years, is a complete and utter failure and let teachers, staff, and parents defend themselves and their students.


This IS the common sense approach.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Open Letter To Congress:- End The BrinksmanshipGuarantee - Debt Payments

October 17, 2013
United States Constitution, Fourteenth Amendment, SECTION 4:
"The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned.  But neither the United States nor any state shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void."
That the President would use the threat of defaulting on our debt payments as a loaded gun to the head of congress is reprehensible in the extreme, and it must never be allowed to happen again.  His threat to default on our debt payment in violation of the Constitution, placing not only our own economy, but the world economy as well, into a state of panic is an impeachable offense.
Legislation MUST be passed FORTHWITH to insure that no entity - presidential or congressional - can ever use this threat again by GUARANTEEING that debt payments will be made.  Such a guarantee will not only calm our own citizens, but will also reassure foreign creditors as well.
In addition, while the Constitution bans default on LEGITIMATE debt, it also bans payment of any obligation to enemies of this country.  We have no business supporting the Muslim Brotherhood or any other terrorist organization that has threatened or waged war against the United States, or has worked to recruit citizens of this country with the goal of insurrection and rebellion.  Such payments are not legitimate obligations and must be banned.
The brinksmanship ends now.
An Angry Constituent

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

An Open Letter To Pres. Obama And Congress: DEFAULT IS NOT AN OPTION...

October 16, 2013
Mr. President, Legislators:  
United States Constitution, Fourteenth Amendment, SECTION 4:
"The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned."
No matter what else doesn't get paid, you don't have a choice:  DEFAULT IS NOT AN OPTION; YOU ARE REQUIRED TO PAY THIS.  THIS BILL GETS PAID BEFORE ALL OTHERS.
The House of Representatives has passed legislation to pay this.  The CONSTITUTION, which you have all sworn to uphold, prohibits you from playing politics with America's debt.
An Angry Constituent

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Partial Gov't "Shutdown" and Military Personnel....

I just read the following post regarding the son of a friend who is stationed at Seymour Johnson AFB in North Carolina:
"Just found out ***** ***** not only has no commissary ( I can understand that) but now the Defax (Mess hall) is closed and they aren't feeding him either. He now has to go off base and fend for himself."
So now not only are our military personnel not being PAID, they aren't being FED, either; the commissaries are also being shut down due to the partial government "shutdown."  In order to buy groceries or eat, on-base personnel must now leave their bases and buy their necessities at the more expensive civilian stores and restaurants, yet the Commander in Chief of US military forces demands that they remain on active duty.

Do you see the lengths to which Pres. Obama displays his contempt for our military personnel and makes them endure his anger because of the attempts to derail his agenda?

Friday, October 4, 2013

Capitol Shooting - Mother Was Depressed. Obviously We Need Vehicle Control Laws....

Regarding the recent capitol shooting: the driver was known to Connecticut police, it appears that she was suffering from depression and had been hospitalized for it at one point, and she rammed the barrier at the White House because she believed that Pres. Obama was stalking her (actually, she wasn't far from wrong on that count!).

Obviously, her right to own a vehicle should have been taken away long ago. 

We need to provide comprehensive, universal background checks as a condition to owning a vehicle, and we need to limit the capacity of gas tanks of all vehicles to not more than 10 gallons to insure that someone can't try something like this again. We need to immediately ban all high capacity gas tanks (11 gallons or larger), and register all vehicles in a federal database that can take a high capacity gas tank. Sen. Pelosi should waste more tax payer dollars looking at photos of vehicles so that she can come up with a list of scary-looking assault vehicles that should be banned from ownership unless you buy a tax stamp first; this list will grandfather in historic assault vehicles. It is imperative that the President pass an executive order banning the reimportation of any US-made historic assault vehicle that may have been provided to another country 60 years ago during the course of a war.

Further, the right of anyone associated with such a person to own a vehicle, especially one with a high capacity gas tank or, heaven forbid, an assault vehicle, should be curtailed as well to insure that the disturbed person can't illegally acquire the vehicle by running the owner over with their own vehicle. In addition, vehicle free zones should be established to prevent such people from getting too close to the White House, congress, and schools, and teachers and other school staff should be forbidden to possess a vehicle in a school zone. Malls, theaters, hospitals and other commercial entities should have the right to post themselves as vehicle free zones. The simple act of posting a vehicle free zone sign will be sufficient to deter someone who is potentially dangerous from using their vehicle to commit a crime, such as ramming a 7-11 for the purpose of dragging out the ATM.

If we take these measures, we can insure that something like this never happens again, because everyone knows that disturbed people, or even hard core bad guys, would never try to circumvent this system by illegally acquiring a vehicle or modifying a legal vehicle by adding a high capacity gas tank and other assault vehicle features.

Sound absurd? I can think of at least one other area in which these same conditions are considered to be "common sense," even though that area accounts for a fraction of the deaths that occur in the US as compared to automobile ownership.