
Sunday, November 18, 2018

Rep. Swalwell To Firearms Owners: "... The government has nukes...."

"... Swalwell sniped back, saying the U.S. military is more equipped to take guns than those who are standing pat with their Second Amendment right to bear arms..."
I have news for the gentleman from California: there are far more true patriots in the US military who understand that their oath is, first and foremost, to the Constitution of the United States of America, who will refuse to obey such an unConstitutional order, than he realizes.
Add to THEIR numbers the millions of veterans who believe that their oath to defend the Constitution from ALL enemies, foreign AND domestic, HAS NO EXPIRATION DATE.
Add to THOSE numbers the myriad of law enforcement officers who ALSO take THEIR oath to defend the Constitution from all enemies seriously, who would also refuse to carry out orders to forcibly confiscate lawfully owned firearms, and the veterans of law enforcement who ALSO, like myself, believe their oath to defend the Constitution has no expiration date.

So this man, who fights the idea of sending our troops to our border to stem the flow of illegals because "... it’s also costing you 200 million dollars...," (the actual cost is closer to $77 million) has NO PROBLEM spending FIFTEEN BILLION DOLLARS  - AND using the US military AND its nuclear arsenal - to forcibly remove LAWFULLY OWNED firearms from UNITED STATES CITIZENS.

As I have observed in the past, if legislators like this one are relying on military force, even threatening the use of nuclear weapons, to confiscate firearms in the US, they will have to bring in the UN to make it happen.

And then they really WILL have a war on their hands.

Admiral Yamamoto didn't really say it, but it is still very true: you cannot invade the mainland United States; there will be a rifle behind every blade of grass.

This legislator - AND EVERY OTHER LEGISLATOR STANDING WITH HIM IN SUPPORT OF HIS STATEMENT - should be immediately impeached, arrested, and tried for sedition.