
Thursday, November 26, 2020

One Last Thanksgiving Day Thought....

 From those of us who have to work this Thanksgiving day to those of you who don’t:


If it isn’t medically necessary, don’t go to a business.  The sales can wait.  Those of us who are required to work because of corporate greed envy your time to relax and enjoy.

To those in the military, those who work as first responders, law enforcement, medical, thank you for being away from your families today.  I wish it weren’t necessary.  Your sacrifice is appreciated.

Happy Thanksgiving 2020....


Thursday, November 19, 2020

Michigan Thanksgiving 2020....

 I have seen some who profess to be Bible-believing Christians state publicly that they intend to violate the guidance issued by the MI state government and have their large Thanksgiving Day gatherings.  Some of the same people have stated that they will defy masking and social distancing orders as well.

What follows after my remarks hasn’t changed in the 2,000 years that have passed since it was written, and I quote it here in the version claimed by some to be God’s only true Bible to take THAT argument away.  

I will also note at the outset that the passage that follows has no exemption for a society in which governing power derives from the people.  Like it or not, agree with the outcome or not, the people of Michigan spoke.  A governor and other officials reflecting that voice were elected to positions of authority; they, in turn, appointed other officials in accordance with Michigan law.  So until such time as they are a) removed from office via vote or impeachment or b) it can be clearly demonstrated that their orders require us to violate scripture or are proven to be illegal, as believers we are OBLIGATED to obey.

You may not agree with the health department orders or the officials implementing them; heaven knows I don’t.  But I will obey them because they don’t require me to violate scripture; THAT is the test of whether I must disobey.  This post is written specifically to those who claim to be born again Christians, who claim to believe and obey the WHOLE Bible, to the ones who have placed their US citizenship ahead of their heavenly citizenship and forgotten that they are ambassadors of HEAVEN, not the US, and that HEAVEN’S laws supersede man’s laws. Our rights may have been given by the creator, but they can also be LIMITED by that same creator.  And sometimes, as He told us through the apostle Paul in Romans 14 and 1 Corinthians 8, He requires us to put our rights aside for the sake of others.

This is one of those times.  

As He commands us through the Apostle Peter,

“Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims... Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation. 

“Submit yourselves to EVERY ORDINANCE OF MAN FOR THE LORD’S SAKE: whether it be to the king, as supreme; Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well. For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men: As free, and NOT USING YOUR LIBERTY FOR A CLOKE OF MALICIOUSNESS, but as the servants of God. Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king,” 1 Peter 2:11-17 (KJV), emphasis added.

I may not agree with the health department orders or the officials implementing them, and I may not like that they deny me the opportunity to gather with loved ones that I already see seldom enough during the year, but as for me and my house, we will obey this scripture, and as a result, we will obey the orders and guidance issued by the state government.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Kyle Rittenhouse: NOT A Hero....

To preface, I sell firearms for a living, an occupation I take VERY seriously.  I know the applicable firearms laws in play in this situation; I work with them on a daily basis, and I have stopped numerous transactions that would have violated those laws.

Rittenhouse was a minor in possession of a firearm when he killed those people, end of story.  He could not legally be hired to protect business property, as he says was the case, because he is a minor.  He could not legally carry the loaded firearm in public as a minor unless in the company of a parent/legal guardian, which was not the case.  He violated Wisconsin and federal firearms laws regarding firearm possession.  He gave money to a third party to purchase a firearm on his behalf that he could not legally purchase/own himself - a straw purchase, and a federal felony.  As an aside, unless the friend who made the illegal purchase said something to the dealer at the time of purchase indicating that he was buying the firearm on behalf of an ineligible party, there is no way the dealer could have possibly known and is innocent of any wrongdoing, end of story.

His friend, 19 year old Dominick Black, who says he bought the firearm in Wisconsin on Rittenhouse’s behalf has admitted to violating federal law.  He executed a straw purchase, lying on a federal form, buying the gun on behalf of and receiving payment from an individual he knew to be unable to legally purchase/own the firearm himself; this is a federal felony carrying a $250,000 fine and a 10 year prison sentence.  He aided and abetted a minor to own/possess/carry a firearm in violation of both Wisconsin and federal law.  He has finally been charged with two state felony counts of supplying a minor with a firearm leading to death; he should also be facing federal felony charges relating to straw purchase and lying on a federal form.

If Rittenhouse had been protecting his own home or a business owned by his parent that evening using a firearm purchased/possessed by that parent, this would be an entirely different story.  As it is, Rittenhouse and his friend should both be facing both state and federal firearms charges.  He was not a hero, and he gives those of us who ARE lawful firearms owners a bad name.

PS: even though Rittenhouse was declared not guilty in a kangaroo show trial that the prosecution and judge did everything to throw, I still maintain that Rittenhouse is a murderer who should be facing federal firearms charges.