
Monday, June 27, 2016

Common Sense…?

Isn't it amazing what constitutes "commonsense"? 

Today the US Supreme Court struck down a portion of the Texas law (similar to Michigan's law, which I helped write) that requires abortion clinics to meet the same basic requirements as are expected of outpatient surgical centers. The Supreme Court said this places an undue burden on abortion providers and women seeking abortions  

"Commonsense" in the abortion industry would be sterile rooms, with sterile equipment, with licensed doctors meeting the same basic standards as any outpatient operating facility.   This, however, is considered to be an undue burden on abortion providers. 

"Commonsense" when it comes to firearms is any regulation that limits access to firearms purchases, carry or transfer by legally qualified individuals, while failing to address criminal elements that seek to circumvent those laws.  That is considered to be acceptable.

Restrictions are considered to be "commonsense" with relation to firearms, but an undue burden with relation to the abortion industry, which has accounted for the deaths of over FIFTY MILLION babies since being legalized.

Friday, June 24, 2016


To the People of Britain: we, the People of the United States, stand with you - even if our globalist president does not.


Thursday, June 23, 2016

M.A.S.H. Comes To Life….

The president has declared that the Orlando shooting had nothing to do with islam, despite the shooter calling 9-11 to pledge his allegiance to ISIS.  The USAG has said they are still trying to determine the shooter's "true motivation" for his actions, but reiterates that it had nothing to do with islam despite the shooter's own words.

We are watching an episode of M.A.S.H. come to life before our eyes.  This is from the episode, The Novocaine Mutiny, in which Frank Burns tries to get Hawkeye courtmartialed:

Frank -  It has come to my attention that Sergeant Zale lost $300.
Hawkeye - Yeah.  So?
Frank - So that means that there's a thief around here.  Maybe more than one.
Hawkeye - Frank, Zale lost it gambling.
Frank - I beg your pardon?
BJ - Gambling, Frank.  He was playing poker with us.
Frank - Impossible. Gambling's prohibited.  There is no gambling in this unit.  Therefore the money was stolen.
BJ - Can't argue with that logic.
Hawkeye - I certainly wouldn't try.  My mother always said, "Never argue with crazy people and wear clean underwear in case you get run over by a tank and go to the hospital.
BJ - Wise woman.
Frank - Okay, you two clever Dicks.  I'm gonna conduct a search as only I can, and the culprit or culprits will be punished.
BJ - Frank, your sanity's sprung a leak.
Frank - We'll see.  When I find that money, you'll be laughing out the other side of your sleeve.
So here's how this plays out in today's news:

President - It has come to my attention that there was a shooting at a gay nightclub in Orlando.
Public - Yeah, that's what the news said.
President - Well, that means there's a shooter around there.  Certainly not part of a larger conspiracy.
Public - Mr. President, the shooter was a self-proclaimed muslim and pledged allegiance to ISIS.
President - I beg your pardon?
Public - Muslim, Mr. President.  The shooter said he was Muslim.
President - Impossible.  I have declared that there are no such things as muslim terrorists.  Muslim terrorists do not exist,  therefore, the shooter must have had some other motivation.
Public - Can't argue with that logic, won't even try.  My mother always quoted Proverbs 29:9, "If a wise man contendeth with a foolish man, whether he rage or laugh, there is no rest."  She was a wise woman.
President - Okay, you racist, intolerant right wingers.  I and my administration are gonna conduct a search as only we can, and the scapegoats we "discover" will be punished.
Public - Mr. President, your agenda is showing.
President - We'll see.  When I find my scapegoat, you'll be laughing out the other side of your sleeve.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

"If It Saves Just ONE Life…."

It's interesting to me how the "if it saves one life, it will be worth it" argument only seems to work when BANNING something (like the president always says when calling for more gun control).

Interpol Sec. General Ron Noble advocates for INCREASING civilian defensive firearms carry as a response to terrorist events (like the one in Orlando),

Ohio approved concealed carry for license holders in bars in 2011, and N. Carolina approved similar legislation in 2013; neither state has experienced an upswing in drunken shootings. 

Chief Craig of Detroit urged Detroiters to begin carrying in self defense because of the increase in crime and the decrease in law enforcement presence; the first year saw a 25% reduction in crime, particularly violent crime, and overall has seen about a 12% reduction in crime in the last three years or so since he urged them to begin carrying. 

INCREASE defensive carry, particularly in areas now designated as "gun free" (you know, like the night club was). If it saves just ONE LIFE, it will be worth it!

Monday, June 13, 2016

Enough Is Enough….

Tom Brokaw, professing "firearms owner," said in an interview after the Orlando night club shooting that "it's time for people to come together and say 'enough.'"
He is absolutely right - although not in the way he intended.

It is time for the American people to come together and say, enough gun control. Enough apologizing to those who hold an ideology that has declared war on us. Enough shifting blame from terrorists to the US for their attacks on us and our allies. Enough "gun free" zones. Enough surveillance and security procedures that criminalize innocent citizens while allowing potential enemies to slip through in order to say we don't profile. It is time to begin acting once again like we are the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. It is time to protect our citizens, secure our borders, and defend our Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

It's time. 

Enough is enough.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Slap On The Wrist For "20 Minutes Of Action"; Or, Why Put Yourself In Danger?

I'm going to say something that will probably anger a few and bring on accusations of blaming the victim. 

I want to make it clear at the outset that the male who raped a young woman while she was unconscious is without excuse and deserving of a far more serious punishment than was meted out by the judge. It wasn't "20 minutes of action," as his father characterized it, it was rape. Her inebriated/unconscious condition didn't give him the right to rape her.  

Having said that, yes, the victim bears some responsibility for putting herself into a situation in which it could happen. 

Women have been warned for decades about the dangers of drinking at parties, concerts, etc. Many women are raped, robbed, kidnapped, or murdered every year because they either drink themselves into a stupor or drink alcohol laced with drugs that incapacitate them, yet they continue to put themselves into situations in which such things can happen. Why? Because they believe it will never happen to them, and more to the point, they don't believe they should HAVE to think about such things. If men would just stop raping, they wouldn't have to concern themselves. As true as that might be, it is also wishful thinking.

Yes, the male deserved a far worse sentence than he received, of that there is no doubt. But to the young women out there, how much longer will you continue to put yourselves into situations in which animals such as he can take advantage of you?  Proverbs 22:3 continues to be true: "A prudent person sees danger, and hides himself/herself; but the simple pass on, and suffer for it," paraphrased.