
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

US/Israel Relationship at a Tipping Point?

"The fault for this breakdown in relations can be assigned in good part to the junior partner in the relationship, Netanyahu… he’s a chickens**t…" who "… lack[s]… political courage."
To those who said Obama would maintain our solid relationship with Israel, think again.

The administration accuses Benjamin Netanyahu of having no courage to attack Iran because of their nuclear program, yet it was the administration that, on multiple occasions, warned Israel that any such attack would result in serious repercussions from the US.

They accuse him of going out of his way to protect his job by building apartments in East Jerusalem and criticizing the Obama regime, yet Obama has gone out of his way to protect his own job by throwing open the borders to anyone who wishes to cross illegally, providing amnesty - even citizenship - to those illegals (including letting some serve in the military), attacking churches and other religious organizations, covering the illegal activities of his underlings (Holder, Clinton, and the IRS), and acting as an apologist for radical islam - all the while shaping public sentiment against Israel.

They accuse Netanyahu of being "disconnected from reality." Really? Hamas is the organization that has been lobbing bombs at Israel, yet it is the administration that tells Israel not to protect itself, but to stand meekly by.

We have a responsibility to protect Israel, to bless Israel - something this administration is rapidly moving away from.  They set up the conditions leading to this breakdown, now they (as has become so familiar) blame Israel for fulfilling their prophecies.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Michigan - Requiring Sales Through Dealerships...

What gives our legislature the right to require manufacturers to sell through dealerships instead of directly to the customer - a model that would have the effect of significantly lowering the prices of new automobiles? I though we believed in free enterprise in this country.
And yes, I understand that the law prohibiting a manufacturer from selling directly to customers went into effect in 1981 with Act 118 of 1981:
"445.1574 Prohibited conduct by manufacturer.
Sec. 14.
(1) A manufacturer shall not do any of the following: […] (i) Sell any new motor vehicle directly to a retail customer other than through its franchised dealers, unless the retail customer is a nonprofit organization or a federal, state, or local government or agency. This subdivision does not prohibit a manufacturer from providing information to a consumer for the purpose of marketing or facilitating the sale of new motor vehicles or from establishing a program to sell or offer to sell new motor vehicles through the manufacturer's new motor vehicle dealers."
So, once again, we see the government setting up conditions under which IT may make purchases at greatly reduced prices, while REQUIRING its citizens to pay inflated prices.

If the ability of the government to make purchases at greatly reduce prices is a good thing, and government supposedly exists for the benefit of THE PEOPLE, then it stands to reason that THE PEOPLE would ALSO benefit from a reduction in the price of automobiles.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Ebola and the (Non-existent) Travel Ban….

Does everyone remember back in April when the administration initiated a travel ban to Israel because of the potential of a terrorist attack?

 Yet this same administration refuses to initiate a travel ban to and from ebola-stricken countries, even though the WHO estimates that ebola will be claiming up to 10,000 victims a week in Africa very soon. 

The administration doesn't need commercial airlines to get resources into and out of the hot zone. Initiate the ban before we truly DO have a crisis on our hands here in the US.

Mr. President: Veto the Upcoming UN Resolution...

Monday, October 13, 2014

MSNBC and Melissa Harris Perry on Point in the Attack on the Family….

MSNBC host Melissa Harris Perry has built her reputation attacking the family. 

She began one rant on an MSNBC show by asking the question, 
"When does life begin? I submit that the answer depends an awful lot on the feeling of the parents, a powerful feeling - but not science," When Does Life Begin
She explicitly states her belief that a fertilized egg is a "thing" that must be "… turn[ed] into a person." 
“But the reality is that if THIS [as she holds up a marble-sized object representing the fertilized egg] TURNS INTO A PERSON, right, there are economic consequences, right? The cost to raise a child, $10,000 a year up to $20,000 a year. When you’re talking about what it actually costs to have THIS THING turn into a human, why not allow women to make the best choices that we can with as many resources and options instead of trying to come in and regulate this process?” 
In an advertisement for MSNBC's Lean Forward campaign, a campaign intended to establish their identity as a "progressive" news outlet (As MSNBC posted about itself in a news release, "[…] With the addition of left-leaning anchors including Rachel Maddow and Ed Schultz, the network increasingly became identified with a rising tide of progressive political sentiment. The new branding campaign, while not overtly political, implicitly embraces the network’s progressive identity,"  MSNBC Lean Forward Campaign), she has this to say:
"… so part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to whole communities….," Kids are Community Property.
So "this thing" is something that can be disposed of at any time the mother chooses. But once "this thing" "turns into a person," it suddenly becomes community property.

That just doesn't fly. The Psalms tell us that God created us in the womb with a purpose to be fulfilled even before our body parts had been formed. In Proverbs, Solomon directs many of his instructions to "my son," not "our communal son."

There is a full-court press against the family, and MSNBC is proud to be leading the charge.

The Second Amendment - The Teeth Of The Constitution...

I'm betting that there are a lot of middle eastern countries that wish they had the same individual right to own firearms as a deterrent to terrorists that we have here in the US. 

Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto is credited (mistakenly - no one knows where this quote actually originated) with saying, "You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass." While the quote may be misattributed, the truth underlying it is accurate. 

We have historically had two barriers to terrorism in the US - oceans and the private ownership of firearms that make the unorganized citizen militia a reality. Air travel has largely nullified the first barrier; that makes the remaining barrier that much more important. 

The sculpture in this photo was displayed this year during the Art Prize competition in Grand Rapids, MI, in an effort to get people to focus on gun control. I changed the background and now display this as a reminder of how critical the Second Amendment is to maintaining our Constitutional rights and defending them from ALL enemies - foreign and domestic.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Kerry: Preventing The Fall and Massacre Of Kobani Not Part Of Our Plan...

  • Proverbs 24:11-12 (ESV) says, 
  • "Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter.  If you say, 'Behold, we did not know this,' does not he who weighs the heart perceive it?  Does not he who keeps watch over your soul know it, AND WILL HE NOT REPAY MAN ACCORDING TO HIS WORK?"
  • "...US Secretary of State, John Kerry, suggested that preventing the fall of Kobani was not a strategic US objective. 'As horrific as it is to watch in real time what is happening in Kobani, you have to step back and understand the strategic objective,' he said," Kerry: Fall of Kobani horrible, preventing it not part of our plan
  • ISIS is estimated to have about 30,000 troops (isis-may-have-30000-fighters.  

  • 30,000.

  • When we took on Iraq, their troop strength was 650,000 - TWENTY-ONE TIMES what ISIS is reputed to have.

  • Tragedies such as these were - and are - preventable.  The intelligence and military communities have been warning the executive branch that this was coming for a couple of years - and the president chose to skip out on those briefings.

  • Mr. President, El De'ot Yahweh (God of Knowledge - the All-Knowing God)  knows what you did and did not know - and WHY you didn't know it.


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Rules For Journalists Operating In ISIS-held Territory Include ISIS Citizenship….

Any journalist covering ISIS from inside their territory (I refuse to recognize them as a caliphate) must swear allegiance and loyalty to al-Baghdadi and is considered to be a subject of ISIS according to rules released by ISIS. They are as follows:
"1: Correspondents must swear allegiance to the Caliph [Abu Bakr] al-Baghdadi ... they are subjects of the Islamic State and, as subjects, they are obliged to swear loyalty to their imam.

2: Their work will be under the exclusive supervision of the ISIS media offices.

3: Journalists can work directly with international news agencies (such as Reuters, AFP and AP), but they are to avoid all international and local satellite TV channels. They are forbidden to provide any exclusive material or have any contact (sound or image) with them in any capacity.

4: Journalists are forbidden to work in any way with the TV channels placed on the blacklist of channels that fight against Islamic countries (such as Al-Arabiya, Al Jazeera and Orient). Violators will be held accountable.

5: Journalists are allowed to cover events in the governorate with either written or still images without having to refer back to the ISIS media office. All published pieces and photos must carry the journalist’s and photographer’s names.

6: Journalists are not allowed to publish any reportage (print or broadcast) without referring to the ISIS media office first.

7: Journalists may have their own social media accounts and blogs to disseminate news and pictures. However, the ISIS media office must have the addresses and name handles of these accounts and pages.

8: Journalists must abide by the regulations when taking photos within ISIS territory and avoid filming locations or security events where taking pictures is prohibited.

9: ISIS media offices will follow up on the work of local journalists within ISIS territory and in the state media. Any violation of the rules in place will lead to suspending the journalist from his work, and he will be held accountable.

10: The rules are not final and are subject to change at any time depending on the circumstances and the degree of cooperation between journalists and their commitment to their brothers in the ISIS media offices.

11: Journalists are given a license to practice their work after submitting a license request at the ISIS media office."

Any American journalist, therefore, who continues to operate in ISIS-held territory, has forsworn his/her American citizenship according to these rules.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Close The Chicago Locks For Good….

Silver carp DNA has now been detected in the Kalamazoo River, 20 miles INLAND from Lake Michigan.  Asian carp have now crossed Lake Michigan and begun infiltrating our rivers and streams.

There has been too much talk and not enough action.  Officials have tried to persuade Michiganders that asian carp from Chicago posed no risk to our fisheries.

Once again, they have been proven wrong.

Enough talk.

Close the Chicago Locks before the entire Lake Michigan fishery is destroyed.

Asian carp DNA detected in the Kalamazoo River

For those who live around and fish in Michigan waters, these are the fish for which you need to be looking:

Silver Carp

Juvenile Silver Carp
Bighead Carp

Juvenile Bighead Carp

Northern Snakehead





Even Pro-Gun Control Author Understands The Danger Of The "Gun Free" Zone….

The following is from an article written by Jason Stadtlander, a writer for HuffPo and a supporter of gun control.  While I disagree with his stance on gun control, I heartily agree with his conclusions regarding so-called "gun free" zones:
"A ban on guns is not gun control. I am for gun control -- that is, controlling who can have guns and who cannot. I do believe that individuals who own guns should go through a screening, licensure and perhaps even medical-history evaluation, but this is not the same as banning guns or preventing ownership of guns.
Alexander Hamilton once said, "The constitution shall never be construed ... to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms."
"Peaceable citizens" is the key term here. We are maintaining a level of peace by providing knowledge that there are repercussions for certain actions… As long as guns exist in the world, criminals will always have guns -- but we law-abiding citizens have the power to choose whether we will hold our own strength against them.
"[]Casting aside emotion, let's think logically about this. What good comes from preventing people who can legally own guns -- those who have passed federal, state and local licensure and are required to pass a gun-safety course -- from bringing concealed firearms into a public building?
Are the violent people who walk in with the intent to shoot up a Panera Bread, a Walmart, a Target or a Kroger grocery store going to care what prohibitive gun policies are in place? And at the front end, will these intent-to-kill people have a license to carry to begin with?
In our legitimate desire to ward off disastrous gun violence, might we actually be preventing the only people who stand a chance at stopping said criminals from, at the very least, avoiding a worst-case scenario? Yes, the authorities can be called, and perhaps there would even be a police officer on site, but might people who are licensed to carry a concealed weapon be our first critical line of defense in such desperate situations?
[…] Ask yourself this question: If you were a criminal, had a bone to pick with society or were mentally unstable and wanted to snuff out as many innocent lives as possible, would you walk into a McDonald's where there is no ban on guns and you might get shot, or would you set your sights on a Panera Bread, where you do not need to worry about resistance of any kind?"

Mr. Stadtlander has come full circle to the observation made by Thomas Paine in his pamphlet, Thoughts on Defensive War :

"[.] but since some will not, others dare not lay them [arms] aside. And while a single nation refuses to lay them down, it is proper that all should keep them up. Horrid mischief would ensue were one half the world deprived of the use of them; for while avarice and ambition have a place in the heart of man, the weak will become a prey to the strong. The history of every age and nation establishes these truths, and facts need but little arguments when they prove themselves."

Friday, October 3, 2014

Mr. W. Rodney McMullen, CEO, Kroger Company: Thank You!

W. Rodney McMullen
Chief Executive Officer
Kroger Co.
1014 Vine Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202-1100

Dear Mr. McMullen:

We in the pro-Second Amendment community understand that Kroger has attracted some very unwanted attention and found itself in a most unenviable position with regard to the debate over Second Amendment rights.

Michael Bloomberg-backed Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America (MDAGSA) has essentially demanded that you declare your premises to be “gun free” (let us be perfectly clear: acquiescence to their demand for an open carry ban WILL eventually lead to a further demand that you declare yourselves to be COMPLETELY “gun free”), and threatened to boycott your Michigan locations.
Now, Senators Chris Murphy, Richard Blumenthal, and Dianne Feinstein are abusing their elected positions in the US Senate to force Kroger to implement an open carry ban, with the same eventual goal as MDAGSA.  The unspoken threats implicit in their recent letter to you are clearly understood.
Mr. McMullen, I applaud the courage and wisdom you displayed in your response to MDAGSA:
“...That is why our long-standing policy on this issue is to follow state and local laws and to urge customers to be respectful of others while shopping to feed their families. We know that our customers are passionate on both sides of this issue and we trust them to be responsible in our stores."
Thank you for this stand.  Please know that I will do my best to patronize your stores and encourage others with whom I am acquainted to do so as well.  Your response is the epitome of the common sense for which MDAGSA and other such organizations claim to be searching; you have shown them what it looks like.


Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Three Democratic Senators Turn Up The Heat On Kroger To Ban Open Carry Of Firearms...

Sens. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), and Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) are trying to use their positions in theUS Senate to force Kroger to implement an open carry ban. Kroger, as we all know, politely told Moms Demand to pound sand, trusting their customers to be responsible.

That didn't set well with senators from gun control states. Here is the full text of the letter they wrote to the CEO of Kroger:

W. Rodney McMullenChief Executive OfficerKroger Co.1014 Vine StreetCincinnati, Ohio 45202-1100
Dear Mr. McMullen:
We write today to urge you to adopt a policy that would prohibit the open carry of firearms in your stores. In doing so, Kroger would be sending an important message about your commitment to the safety of your employees and customers. This would follow similar actions by other retailers, such as Chipotle, Sonic, Chili’s, Target, and most recently Panera Bread.
As you know, gun extremists in several states have exploited the current Kroger policy by flaunting assault rifles as they shopped. These bizarre displays must be terrifying for Kroger employees and customers. There is simply no reason why someone would need an AK-47 to purchase milk, bread, or other basic necessities at a grocery store. However, the current Kroger policy allows for these demonstrations.
Kroger has a proud history as an innovator within the retail industry. Kroger changed the grocery business by establishing in-store bakeries and deciding to sell meats in the 1900s. These two improvements changed the way Americans shopped – not just in Kroger stores but in all grocery stores as they became commonplace. The company has an opportunity to again be a leader. A change by Kroger, the nation’s largest supermarket retailer, could have a similar effect by setting a new customer-friendly standard that other supermarkets follow. 
Again, we urge you to implement a new policy that would prevent the open carry of guns in your stores. Thank you in advance for your consideration and we look forward to your prompt response
Christopher S. Murphy 
United States Senator
Richard Blumenthal
United States Senator
Dianne Feinstein
United States Senator
Press Release | Press Releases | Newsroom | U.S. Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut (emphasis added)
So we have three sitting senators first classifying firearms carriers as extremists who are, in their minds, brandishing firearms. Their assumption is that what terrifies THEM MUST terrify EVERYONE ELSE as well, even though there have been no such reports associated with these open carry events. Finally, they try to force a "may issue" mindset on Kroger, indicating that one must have a reason to carry and implying that those who choose to do so, since these three senators have already declared such a need to be nonexistent, must be paranoid. Of course, they conveniently ignore recent attacks at Kroger locations across the nation that the police were entirely unable to prevent, while, in at least one incident, a firearms carrier DID prevent an armed robbery.

Let's be clear about one other thing: what is NOT said in this letter is perhaps even more important than what IS said - and Kroger's CEO knows it. I worked as a legislative researcher in the Michigan House of Reps for a legislator who is a principled, Christian man who does not engage in these kinds of tactics - but I saw those who did. This letter from three sitting senators is at once an implicit promise of future favor if Kroger gives in to their demand, and an implicit threat to their future corporate well-being if they do not. We need to turn up the heat on those in the senate who support the Second Amendment to send their OWN letter of support to Kroger.