
Monday, October 13, 2014

MSNBC and Melissa Harris Perry on Point in the Attack on the Family….

MSNBC host Melissa Harris Perry has built her reputation attacking the family. 

She began one rant on an MSNBC show by asking the question, 
"When does life begin? I submit that the answer depends an awful lot on the feeling of the parents, a powerful feeling - but not science," When Does Life Begin
She explicitly states her belief that a fertilized egg is a "thing" that must be "… turn[ed] into a person." 
“But the reality is that if THIS [as she holds up a marble-sized object representing the fertilized egg] TURNS INTO A PERSON, right, there are economic consequences, right? The cost to raise a child, $10,000 a year up to $20,000 a year. When you’re talking about what it actually costs to have THIS THING turn into a human, why not allow women to make the best choices that we can with as many resources and options instead of trying to come in and regulate this process?” 
In an advertisement for MSNBC's Lean Forward campaign, a campaign intended to establish their identity as a "progressive" news outlet (As MSNBC posted about itself in a news release, "[…] With the addition of left-leaning anchors including Rachel Maddow and Ed Schultz, the network increasingly became identified with a rising tide of progressive political sentiment. The new branding campaign, while not overtly political, implicitly embraces the network’s progressive identity,"  MSNBC Lean Forward Campaign), she has this to say:
"… so part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to whole communities….," Kids are Community Property.
So "this thing" is something that can be disposed of at any time the mother chooses. But once "this thing" "turns into a person," it suddenly becomes community property.

That just doesn't fly. The Psalms tell us that God created us in the womb with a purpose to be fulfilled even before our body parts had been formed. In Proverbs, Solomon directs many of his instructions to "my son," not "our communal son."

There is a full-court press against the family, and MSNBC is proud to be leading the charge.

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