
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

US/Israel Relationship at a Tipping Point?

"The fault for this breakdown in relations can be assigned in good part to the junior partner in the relationship, Netanyahu… he’s a chickens**t…" who "… lack[s]… political courage."
To those who said Obama would maintain our solid relationship with Israel, think again.

The administration accuses Benjamin Netanyahu of having no courage to attack Iran because of their nuclear program, yet it was the administration that, on multiple occasions, warned Israel that any such attack would result in serious repercussions from the US.

They accuse him of going out of his way to protect his job by building apartments in East Jerusalem and criticizing the Obama regime, yet Obama has gone out of his way to protect his own job by throwing open the borders to anyone who wishes to cross illegally, providing amnesty - even citizenship - to those illegals (including letting some serve in the military), attacking churches and other religious organizations, covering the illegal activities of his underlings (Holder, Clinton, and the IRS), and acting as an apologist for radical islam - all the while shaping public sentiment against Israel.

They accuse Netanyahu of being "disconnected from reality." Really? Hamas is the organization that has been lobbing bombs at Israel, yet it is the administration that tells Israel not to protect itself, but to stand meekly by.

We have a responsibility to protect Israel, to bless Israel - something this administration is rapidly moving away from.  They set up the conditions leading to this breakdown, now they (as has become so familiar) blame Israel for fulfilling their prophecies.

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