
Monday, October 21, 2019

An Open Letter to Michigan Gov. Whitmer....

Gov. Whitmer: the temper tantrum ends.  


You LIED when you told Michigan voters Before the election that you had no plans to seek a $.27/gallon gas tax, then turned around AFTER the election and tried to implement a $.47/gallon gas tax.  This tax is COMPLETELY UNSUPPORTED by Michigan taxpayers, the legislature knew it, and they denied the tax increase you demanded.

So in true tyrannical fashion, you took your rage out on those Michigan citizens who cannot defend themselves - school students and the disabled.

You denied Michigan public charter school students a much-needed funding increase while increasing funding for traditional public schools.  Let’s be perfectly clear: you didn’t tell what you claim to be “for-profit corporations” they don’t deserve funding (most public charter schools are NOT run by for-profit corporations), you told school children and their families - many of them low income - that THEY don’t deserve funding because you personally disagree with the idea of public charter schools.

You completely de-funded Michigan’s autistic citizens.

This is tyranny.  And it ends - NOW.



Monday, September 9, 2019

September 11, 2019

TWO national tragedies have occurred on September 11.

Don't forget EITHER of them.

Manhattan, NY.  The Pentagon.  United Flight 93.


Friday, August 23, 2019

Piers Morgan: “Liberals Have Become Unbearable...”

As a rule, I have no use for Piers Morgan, but he is dead on in this interview.  I STRONGLY recommend that you take a couple of minutes to watch this.

Ben Shapiro interview with Piers Morgan

Friday, June 14, 2019

Finally - Honesty In A Gun Free Zone Sign...

The City of Racine has placed the first honest gun free zone signs on its buildings.  They contain the following disclaimer/advisory: 

“Although weapons are banned from this municipal facility, the City of Racine cannot ensure the protection of visitors or its employees from individuals who unlawfully enter with weapons and does not offer protection against the actions of violators.”

The city says they have included the disclaimer only because their insurers require it, but the truthfulness is undeniable.  A sign will not stop someone with intent, period, AND THEY’RE OK WITH THAT.

Monday, May 27, 2019

National Moment of Remembrance....

December 28, 2000
    Today I am pleased to sign S. 3181, the ``National Moment of Remembrance Act,'' which designates 3:00 p.m. local time on Memorial Day each year as the National Moment of Remembrance, in honor of the men and women of the United States who died in the pursuit of freedom and peace...
    Each Memorial Day, the Nation honors those Americans who died while defending our Nation and its values. While these heroes should be honored every day for their profound contribution to securing our Nation's freedom, they and their families should be especially honored on Memorial Day. The observance of a National Moment of Remembrance is a simple and unifying way to commemorate our history and honor the struggle to protect our freedoms. 
    This Act recognizes in law a commemoration begun on Memorial Day in May 1997, when ``Taps'' was played at 3:00 p.m. on many radio and television stations across the Nation as Americans paused to remember the men and women who have lost their lives in service to our country. This past May, both a Congressional Resolution and a Presidential Proclamation called for the observance of a National Moment of Remembrance. It is my hope that the establishment of the National Moment of Remembrance in law, along with the creation of the White House Commission, will promote greater understanding of the meaning of the Memorial Day holiday for all Americans... 
William J. Clinton
 The White House,
 December 28, 2000.“

From 3:00 pm to 3:01 pm.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

The Omar Spin...

She says her remarks were taken out of context.

Let's consider that.

The context of her statement was a speech in which she decried the treatment she says muslims have endured because of the actions of "some people" on 9-11:

“Far too long we have lived with the discomfort of being a second class citizen. And frankly, I’m tired of it. And every single Muslim in this country should be tired of it. CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something, and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties.”

There is no mistake about what she said, and no one is taking anything she said out of context.

So what, exactly, does she mean when she refers to "some people"?

Given that the context is muslim discontent and justifying muslims, "some people" has to have one of two meanings.

First, she is downplaying the role muslims played during 9-11, as she has been accused.  The 9-11 attacks were insignificant, even justified.

That is one possibility.

But there is another possible interpretation, one that has yet to be discussed publicly but is even more insidious: the "some people" involved in the 9-11 attacks were members of the US CIA and the Israeli Mossad.

Many in the muslim community have bought into the conspiracy theory that there were no muslims and no jets.  9-11 was a false flag operation carried out jointly between the CIA and Mossad to give the US justification to engage in unbridled war against muslims across the world.  The destruction of the twin towers was carried out using nanothermite charges to weaken the structural steel in the buildings.  The destruction of the towers, then, was the result of controlled detonations.  The footage showing the jets?  All manufactured video.  The "witnesses"?  Crisis actors employed by the two intelligence agencies to help sell the narrative.

So it wasn't muslims who attacked, it was "some people": unnamed, mysterious government agents who cannot be named publicly by Omar without REALLY opening her up to accusation.

Of the two possible interpretations, the second one is the most likely.

Gov. Whitmer's Use of UnConstitutional Executive Directives....

The governor is using unConstitutional executive directives to set aside laws with which she disagrees, first with her expansion of Elliott-Larson, now with the order to halt construction of the Enbridge tunnel; she disingenuously equates them with executive orders on her website, downplaying the importance of the need to file orders with the secretary of state's office: 
"What is an Executive Directive? 
"Similar to executive orders, executive directives are issued by the Governor to establish basic internal policy or procedure for the executive branch of state government, assure the faithful execution of law, and to supervise state departments. Executive directives often establish guidelines, rules of conduct, or rules of procedures for state departments and their employees. Executive directives are signed by the Governor and distributed to state departments and agencies, but not filed with the Secretary of State,",9309,7-387-90499_90704---,00.html.
The problem is, this is a lie.

An executive directive is NOT similar to an executive order - and the governor, who served in the legislature prior to winning the governorship - is fully aware of this.

An executive directive is used to direct the activities of agencies under her executive authority; it brings with it no additional authority and there is no basis in the Constitution for its use as a tool to modify or create law.

An executive order is provided Constitutionally to the executive.  It CAN be used to establish laws, even potentially change legislation.  However, an executive order must be duly published to the Secretary of State's office prior to being submitted to the state legislature.  The legislature has the authority to override an executive order to prevent it from taking effect. 

The difference is significant.

She will be successful in lowering the legal standard as long as the legislature allows her to treat directives as orders. 

Through her use of executive directives, for which there is NO Michigan Constitutional provision (she has already used more early directives than almost any other governor before her), NO enumerated authority to use as an instrument to enact fiat law, and NO legislative oversight, she is rapidly building the case for impeachment as she abuses her Constitutionally-enumerated authorities and the provided system of checks and balances. 

Republicans need to publicly call her out on this abuse of power before she can solidify her position and incorporate the use of directives as acceptable policy instruments.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Michigan Attorney General Establishes "Hate Crimes" Unit....

The hate crimes unit being established by Michigan Attorney General (AG) Dana Nessel in concert with Michigan Department of Civil Rights director Augustin Arbulu within the office of the Michigan AG poses a significant danger to the Constitutional rights of Michigan citizens.

This unit will begin operation by surveilling thirty-one Michigan organizations that have been identified by the discredited, ultra left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) as hate and extremist organizations, specifically monitoring the social media activities of these organizations. It must be noted that inclusion on the list compiled by the SPLC has little to do with actual hate CRIMES, and is instead based largely by what it determines to be hate SPEECH, something that its own website acknowledges to be protected under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution:

Hateful speech – often intended to degrade, intimidate or incite violence or discrimination against certain groups – is protected by the First Amendment and is not punishable under criminal law. However, racial, anti-Semitic or anti-LGBT slurs – or other speech that vilifies a targeted group – can be evidence of a hate crime when used by someone during the commission of an underlying crime. In fact, in 99% of cases reported to police, hate crime victims cite the language used by the offenders,
 The Statement on the SPLC website further acknowledges that the vast majority of what is reported to police as “hate crime” is in fact “hateful speech,” which, while reprehensible, is nonetheless protected by the First Amendment. This distinction is critical, as the many of the organizations contained on the SPLC list have never actually engaged in an activity that could be classified and prosecuted as a hate crime under applicable federal or state law, neither have they necessarily encouraged their members or associates in any way to engage in such illegal activities.

In short, the SPLC is targeting most organizations for the very activity they acknowledge to be protected under the Constitution – speech. The fact, then, that the Michigan AG’s office is using the SPLC’s list of organizations is very disconcerting, and it raises the concern that it will be criminalizing speech, treating a Constitutionally protected activity as a crime. There is ample reason for this concern. The news release posted on the Michigan Attorney General’s website offers scant details regarding the proposed activities of the new hate crimes unit:

LANSING – Attorney General Dana Nessel has officially launched her new Hate Crimes Unit within the Criminal Division of the Department of Attorney General that is charged with investigating and prosecuting hate crimes. Assistant Attorney General Sunita Doddamani has been tasked as lead prosecutor in the unit and Special Agent David Dwyre has been named lead investigator 
“Hate itself is not a crime and our civil liberties protect the right to speak about even the most terrible of things,” said Nessel. But when a criminal offense is committed against a person or property and it is motivated by an offender’s bias against a particular group, then my Office will act. To do that we intend to work with both federal and local authorities to ensure these crimes are thoroughly investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent possible under the law.” 
Attorney General Nessel is encouraging members of the public and other law enforcement agencies to contact the Hate Crimes Unit if they have knowledge of, or are a victim of, a crime motivated by hate. The Department of Attorney General will follow-up on every credible tip, will launch independent investigations when sufficient cause exists, and will offer departmental resources to assist our local and federal law enforcement partners. 
“Hate crimes are not just an attack on a specific individual but a message to an entire group,” Nessel added. “That’s why they’re so damaging to communities and why we need to partner with our local authorities if we hope to eradicate them. I’m happy to have the opportunity as Attorney General to put a spotlight on this important issue.” 
Doddamani, who heads the unit, is a career prosecutor and first-generation American with more than 15 years of experience prosecuting violent felonies and hate crime. She is a Wayne State University Law School graduate and has tried more than 150 felony cases in her career. 
If you are a victim of a hate crime or have credible information about a hate crime, please contact the Department of Attorney General at 313-456-0180,,4534,7-359-82916_81983_47203-491579--,00.html. 

Public Statements made by AG Nessel and Dir. Arbulu and recorded by the press, however, give us more of the details. In addition to pursuing actual incidents that rise to the level of hate crimes under applicable State law, the Detroit News reports that “Michigan Department of Civil Rights Director Agustin Arbulu announced the department is creating a process to document hate and bias incidents that don’t rise to the level of a crime or civil infraction,” Beth LeBlanc, the Detroit News, Feb. 22, 2019. In addition to employing, to begin with, one full-time prosecutor and one full-time investigator, the unit will develop and maintain a “database [that] would document hate and bias incidents that don’t rise to the level of a crime. The database would then be used to identify areas where awareness and education programs are most needed….” In other words, the Attorney General’s office, in concert with the Department of Civil Rights, are going to be surveilling the public Statements of the organizations and, presumably, the social media activities of these organizations as well. They will be relying on reports they receive from individuals interacting with these organizations regarding speech these individuals find personally offensive. This, presumably, will result in investigations into the speech and activities of these organizations, with the majority being entered into databases for monitoring and mandatory awareness and education training.

It raises a legitimate concern: will such surveillance eventually result in the attorney general demanding copies of sermons, speeches, articles, etc., to insure that the content isn’t determined to be “hateful” and therefore unacceptable?

The fact that these two departments are pursuing this course of action raises yet another concern. 

It is not possible to monitor the speech and activities of organizations without also monitoring the members and associates of the organizations, especially in terms of social media. At what point will the database they wish to develop be expanded to include the names, Statements, and activities of individual citizens in addition to those of the organizations? Will monitored organizations be compelled to turn over membership and contribution records? 

At the risk of being accused of slippery slope reasoning, these are very real concerns brought about by the activities on which two Michigan government departments are embarking in the name of combating hate crime, activities that concentrate more on the ideologies, beliefs, and speech of organizations that it does on actual crimes being committed by the organizations or their members.

The establishment the hate crimes unit, especially using information obtained from a private organization whose classifications are highly subjective and suspect, raises serious Constitutional concerns, both in terms of the Michigan Constitution, as well as the United States Constitution. The protections outlined in Article 1 of the Michigan State Constitution with regard to the new hate crimes unit are quite explicit:

§ 2 Equal protection; discrimination.
Sec. 2. No person shall be denied the equal protection of the laws; nor shall any person be denied the enjoyment of his civil or political rights or be discriminated against in the exercise thereof because of religion, race, color or national origin.

§ 3 Assembly, consultation, instruction, petition. 
Sec. 3. The people have the right peaceably to assemble, to consult for the common good, to instruct their representatives and to petition the government for redress of grievances. 
§ 4 Freedom of worship and religious belief; appropriations. 
Sec. 4. Every person shall be at liberty to worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience. No person shall be compelled to attend, or, against his consent, to contribute to the erection or support of any place of religious worship, or to pay tithes, taxes or other rates for the support of any minister of the gospel or teacher of religion… The civil and political rights, privileges and capacities of no person shall be diminished or enlarged on account of his religious belief. 
§ 5 Freedom of speech and of press. 
Sec. 5. Every person may freely speak, write, express and publish his views on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of such right; and no law shall be enacted to restrain or abridge the liberty of speech or of the press. 

It is immediately evident that the protections outlined in the Michigan State Constitution closely mirror those of the United States Constitution. The new hate crimes unit can be found to be in violation of all of the protections. 

First, we are protected from infringement of our rights and discrimination by the government with regard to our freedom of religion. This speaks to the very basic freedom of the individual mind and conscience. We are guaranteed equal protection under the Constitution; we cannot be targeted by the State because our religious beliefs, philosophies, or ethics are found to be disagreeable to some in government. The hate crimes unit is specifically targeting what has been deemed to be “hateful speech” because the ideas, beliefs and viewpoints do not align themselves with an arbitrary, politically correct dogma. 

Second, the right of citizens to assemble is protected. Organizations are the collective expression of the beliefs, views, and ideas of individuals who have gathered for the express purpose of exercising and giving voice to those ideas, beliefs, and viewpoints. Monitoring organizations on the basis of their views, therefore, is a violation of the right to assemble and serves to suppress the freedom of association. It should be noted that the freedom TO assemble protected by Section 3 of Article 1 also assumes the freedom NOT TO assemble. When one finds that the beliefs and ideas of an organization do not comport with their own, they are under no compunction to remain; they are free to leave to find other organizations more to their liking – not use the courts and government agencies to quell ideas with which they personally disagree. 

Third, the hate crimes unit constitutes an attack on the religious and philosophical beliefs of individuals and organizations by labeling those beliefs as hateful speech. This is prohibited under Article 1 Section 4 of the State Constitution. Individuals and organizations are confirmed in their right to believe that abortion or homosexuality are violations of God’s law, that Islam is a heresy, and that the Bible teaches individuals to be in subjection to the laws promulgated by the government – which addresses the belief that those who are in this country illegally are present in violation of both God’s and man’s laws. “Every person shall be at liberty to worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience.“ Once again, the right TO assemble also assumes the freedom NOT TO assemble, the freedom TO believe assumes the negative freedom NOT TO believe, and both assume the right leave to find other organizations whose tenets are more closely aligned to their own. With reference to the establishment of the hate crimes unit, it must be observed that Article1 Section 4 contains a very specific guarantee that “The civil and political rights, privileges and capacities of no person shall be diminished or enlarged on account of his religious belief.” The hate crimes unit, by virtue of its stated goal of monitoring speech and belief, violates this explicit protection, setting itself up as the arbiter of what is acceptable belief, what is unacceptable belief, and serving to diminish the civil and political rights of individuals who exercise their religious beliefs. 

Fourth, the State Constitution, Article 1 Section 5 guarantees us the right to speak, write, express and publish our views on ALL subjects. This includes what is spoken within the meeting house, expressed in the literature, or published on the blog, website, or on social media. Short of having credible evidence of a crime, the government is forbidden to enact ANY law that has the effect of restraining or abridging those rights. The hate crimes unit, in that it specifically targets and monitors speech that doesn’t rise to the level of a crime, logging such speech in a government-run and -maintained database, explicitly serves to restrain and abridge these protected rights. 

Those are the protections afforded under the Michigan State Constitution. 

However, the hate crimes unit also violated the provisions of the United States Constitution as well.

Multiple rulings of the United States Supreme Court have established that, under the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution, six of the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution (Also known as the Bill of Rights) are either fully or partially incorporated to the States, meaning that the States are bound to uphold the Constitutional rights protected by those amendments. This is known as the Incorporation Doctrine. 

Under the Incorporation Doctrine, the following amendments have been fully incorporated, meaning that they are binding on the States in their entirety: the First, Second, and Fourth amendments.  The following amendments have been partially incorporated to the States: the Fifth (the right to indictment by grand jury has not been incorporated), the Sixth (the right to have the jury chosen from the same location in which the crime was committed has not been incorporated), and the Eighth (the prohibition against excessive fines has not been incorporated).  The Third, Seventh, Ninth and Tenth amendments have not been incorporated to the States. 

As it applies to the establishment of the hate crimes unit, then, the Incorporation Doctrine requires FULL COMPLIANCE with the provisions of the First Amendment: 

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. 
The same observations made with reference to the protections guaranteed under the Michigan State Constitution apply equally here. Since the determining factor placing organizations – and eventually, individuals – on a Michigan government watch list and database is, in fact, speech and not the actual commission of a hate crime, the hate crimes unit is also a blatant violation of nearly all of the protections outlined in the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. The Constitutional rights of organizations are likewise protected under the association clause of the First Amendment according to numerous United States Supreme Court rulings.

The hate crimes unit is also a blatant violation of the Fourth Amendment, as fully incorporated to the States: 

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. 
The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution is quite explicit regarding what is protected and what is required in order to conduct lawful searches. In order for the government to conduct a search of ANY kind, there must be probable cause to believe that a crime has, in fact, taken place. A warrant must be sworn out detailing exactly who and what is to be searched, and what will need to be seized. Classification of an organization as a hate or extremist group by the SPLC, a private, non-law enforcement organization, based on Stated beliefs/writings that may constitute hateful but otherwise Constitutionally protected speech, does not qualify as legal grounds under the Fourth Amendment to surveil, search, or add said organization to a government database. It does not qualify as grounds to monitor the social media interactions between the organization and associated individuals, which would have the effect of diminishing the free exercise of their rights. The hate crimes unit violates these protections. 

The hate crimes unit violates the due process right guaranteed under the Fifth Amendment of the United States Constitution: 

No person shall be… deprived of life, liberty or property, without due process of law…. 

This one is self-explanatory. The hate crimes unit is targeting organizations without any evidence that they have actually committed a crime, and are working to infringe and abridge their rights based on the assertion of the SPLC that the group constitutes a threat to society. 

Finally, the Sixth Amendment guarantees the right to a speedy trial, to know the charges being preferred, to confront witnesses, and to have one’s own counsel and witnesses: 

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence. 
The hate crimes unit circumvents all of this, assuming guilt, and placing organizations and, later, individuals, in a government database to be monitored and harassed, set up for mandatory re-education training to force them to comply with a government approved agenda, one in which our new attorney general has a vested interest, and for which she is now weaponizing the attorney general’s office to be used against all who dare disagree with her. 

The course on which the AG’s office and the Department of Civil Rights is setting is dangerous for our State. 

It must be stopped. 

Monday, March 11, 2019

Our Food And Autism....

The autism epidemic continues to rage.  The most recent numbers indicate that 1 in thirty-eight boys have autism.

Many have been asking, why?  What is driving this?

Many have speculated on a link between vaccines and the preservative, thimerasol.  While I believe adding mercury-based anything to our vaccines is a REALLY bad idea, I don't see any solid evidence that it is causing autism.

There is also a suspected link between vaccines and the use of stem cell lines originating with aborted babies.  Many of the commonly required vaccines contain measurable amounts of human DNA/DNA fragments as a result.  I DO believe this is a possible contributing factor.

I have my own hypothesis regarding the explosion in the incidence of autism, as of today now estimated by the CDC to be 1 in 38.

Autism has been around for generations. The term was first used in 1911, but the incidence was historically very low; in the 1970s and '80s, the incidence of autism was roughly 1 in 2,000. But something happened around that time that appears to coincide with the explosion in the incidence of autism we have witnessed since then: the development and use of recombinant bovine growth hormone (RBGH). Development, marketing and use of RBGH went into overdrive during the 1970s and '80s in order to increase beef and milk production; an uncle of mine used it on his cattle farm before dosages were standardized. If a little was good, then a lot of it must have been even better. It brought on earlier sexual maturity, meaning cows could begin breeding and calving at an earlier age, it increased milk production, and it enabled cattle to pack on muscle at an accelerated rate, meaninng that heavier cows went to market. The use of RBGH led to the development of the mega farms that have become so common - assembly line techniques applied to the beef and milk industries.

Only one small problem: while the FDA signed off on the use of RBGH in 1993, NO LONG TERM HUMAN SAFETY STUDIES WERE EVER CONDUCTED.

I believe that the overuse of growth hormones, particularly RBGH, plays a major role in the widespread onset of autism, taking a condition that was once quite rare and turning it into the epidemic we are witnessing today. Moreover, I believe the effects are CUMULATIVE. Individually, each cow receives only small (microgram) dosages of RBGH. Multiplied over the millions of cows that receive it each year, however, that amount is magnified by many orders of magnitude. This is on top of the hormones infants receive from their mothers as they ingest breast milk and produce naturally. Science has confirmed that onset of puberty in humans has been accelerating over the years, now occurring in girls beginning at age 10 and in boys at about age 11. While many in the medical and scientific communities put this down to better nutrition, I believe the overuse of RBGH is ALSO having an effect. We administer it to animals (on top of what their own bodies already produce) in order to accelerate biological development. What if the increased amounts aren't being metabolized by cows as completely as they are supposed to and are instead passed on to humans through the milk we drink and the meat we eat? We would then be ingesting hormones on top of what our bodies already produce, resulting in hormone overloads that are passed from generation to generation - cumulatively.

I have suspected a link between RBGH and autism for many years, but what really solidified it in my mind was a conversation I had with a graduate of Michigan State's animal husbandry program.

One of the things they study? 

The use of RBGH in cattle. 

As she and I conversed, I began to lay out my hypothesis; she immediately caught on to the direction I was going and broke in with information I did not previously have. 

She explained that, in addition to all the effects I listed earlier, RBGH was used to achieve another objective: making cows more docile and easier to handle. She explained that RBGH accelerates brain growth for the first 2-3 years - and then brings it to an abrupt standstill. In cows, this makes them docile and easier to handle. In humans, however, the results could be very different. I know that, in my own son, I watched impressive development for approximately the first two years of his life, at which time it all came to a screeching halt.

I fully understand that all I have is conjecture, but the overall effects and timing of those effects associated with the overuse of RBGH is too much for me to ignore, as is the increase in the incidence of autism when correlated to increased use of RBGH in the farming industry.

The problem is this: IF scientists were to ever seriously study this potential link and establish its validity, they would refuse to do anything about it, because doing so would mean that our entire food processing and distribution system would have to be completely dismantled and rebuilt from top to bottom.

Friday, March 8, 2019

They're Coming For YOU Now, Nancy...

Wonder why the statement condemning anti-semitism was watered down?

Linda Sarsour and Ocasio-Cortez's "justice democrats" (it has come to light from disclosures on the PAC's website that Ocasio-Cortez illegally came into control of the very PAC that helped get her elected, for which the FEC is now investigating her) are gunning for Pelosi. Both Sarsour and justice democrats have accused Pelosi of white supremacy for allowing a vote limited to condemning Omar's blatant anti-semitism, something on which Omar, supported by Michigan's Rashida Tlaib, has doubled down.

The shoe is suddenly on the other foot, and now it is PELOSI who is being accused of white supremacy. She realizes that the freshmen are coming for her, and she is suddenly scared for her own political future.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Walmart and Disability...

Walmart hired its disabled employees KNOWING that they were limited in significant ways.

Now they want to rid themselves of these employees by changing the job requirements and doing away with the accommodations with which they had been provided.

This is a blatant violation of the Americans With Disabilities Act.

Until Walmart publicly rescinds and repudiates their new policy, I am calling for a complete boycott of Walmart.

Monday, February 18, 2019

And Now, Aurora, IL....

"Wife Of Aurora Shooting Victim Reveals Husband's Final Text Message"

"I love You.  I've been shot at work."

The headline and last text message as given in the HuffPo article regarding this latest mass shooting.

I am sickened by these events and the usual anti-firearms sniping that follows them.  I am a former federal officer.  I have nothing but the highest respect for police officers.  They have an incredibly difficult, and ofter thankless, job.  So I'm not taking pot shots at them; their hands are tied by department policies.  

At the same time, I am reminded that the supreme court has, on more than TEN different occasions, ruled that law enforcement has ABSOLUTELY NO DUTY TO PROTECT INDIVIDUALS; their responsibility is to society as a whole.  Whether  - or IF - police respond to any given call for help, according to these rulings, is left ENTIRELY up to the policies of the individual department.  And we have seen, time after time, the results of these policies.  

In this instance, law enforcement was made aware that the shooter had a criminal history.  Evidently, they sent him a letter requiring him to surrender his weapons - and then they never followed up to ensure that he actually did.  Before Parkland, law enforcement met with the shooter on more than THIRTY occasions, KNEW that he had a propensity toward violence, yet he was left free to carry out his attack.  Situation after situation like this exists, and in fact is quite normal proceeding mass shooting events.  

Yet all those who oppose firearms ownership can tell us is, "Trust the police to protect you.  You don't need a firearms to protect you and your family, that's why we have police."  And then, to make matters worse, they go on to intimate that the millions of lawful firearms owners and carriers, the vast majority of whom have never been involved in any crime of any sort, are somehow to blame for these events.  

Illinois has some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation, yet they have stopped nothing.  The factory where the shooting was carried out was a posted "gun free" zone, yet those signs - the SAME signs that are supposed to protect children in schools across this nation - did absolutely NOTHING to prevent this shooting.  In fact, the shooter knew he had ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD to shoot as many people as possible before the police world arrive in sufficient numbers to come after him.

Nationally, per the National Sheriffs' Association, the average police response time to a 911 call is 18 minutes, a relative eternity; such events are usually over in under thirteen minutes.  Yet the best advice the government will give us - and it is now parroted by employers as well - is run if you can, hide if you can't, and as a last resort, throw things at the attacker and HOPE you will dissuade him.  

Thomas Paine, in his essay, Thoughts on Defensive War, made these observations:
"[...] Whoever considers the unprincipled enemy we have to cope with, will not hesitate to declare that nothing but arms or miracles can reduce them to reason and moderation... These people [the victims - added] are either too superstitiously religious, or too cowardly for arms; they either cannot or dare not defend; their property is open to any one who has the courage to attack them... Thus the peaceable part of mankind will be continually overrun by the vile and abandoned, while they neglect the means of self defence. The supposed quietude of a good man allures the ruffian; while on the other hand, arms like laws discourage and keep the invader and the plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property. The balance of power is the scale of peace. The same balance would be preserved were all the world destitute of arms, for all would be alike; but since some will not, others dare not lay them aside. And while a single nation refuses to lay them down, it is proper that all should keep them up. Horrid mischief would ensue were one half the world deprived of the use of them; for while avarice and ambition have a place in the heart of man, the weak will become a prey to the strong. The history of every age and nation establishes these truths, and facts need but little arguments when they prove themselves."  
Paine was a Quaker and a pacifist, but he still recognized the reality that we have the right and obligation to defend ourselves; failure to do so only emboldens bad guys - whether the bad guy is a co-worker, or an attacking nation.  We will never be able to completely prevent such events.  If it isn't guns, it will be knives (look at the mass knife attacks that have taken place in China and Britain), bombs, chemicals, or some other form of weapon.  But we CAN give people the means to defend themselves and those around them as best they can.  Calling 911 and waiting for the cavalry just isn't cutting it.

One final thought: as far as I am concerned, any organization that prohibits people to exercise their God-given right to self defense is both implicit in, and responsible for, any injuries and deaths that occur as a result of their policy.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

The Pratt Shooting....

The front door of the Pratt Company, a declared "gun free" zone.

Signs don't work, and the company is responsible for the loss of life that occurred as the result of forbidding lawful defensive carry.

Obviously, the sign was defective. I think the company and families need to sue the sign printer for producing what was obviously a defective gun free zone sign.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Response to Sen. Stabenow Form Letter Regarding So-Called “Universal” Background Checks....

After expressing concerns regarding pending gun control legislation in the US legislature (so-called “universal” background checks), I received the same form letter from her office that I have received numerous times, the one assuring me that she understands my concerns about the Second Amendment because she grew up in a home with firearms and hunters.  Of course, the Second Amendment has nothing to do with hunting, but I will let that slide for the moment.

I sent her the following email in response:


I have received this same tired letter several times over the years you have been in office in response to concerns expressed regarding continued attacks on the Second Amendment.

"I support enforcement of laws that protect our children and our families from gun violence and other criminal activity.”

I would like to know what those laws are?

Heller vs. DC has already declared mandatory trigger locks and other mandatory storage laws unConstitutional on their face because, and I quote (from the syllabus for brevity’s sake), 
"3. The handgun ban and the trigger-lock requirement (as applied to self-defense) violate the Second Amendment. The District’s total ban on handgun possession in the home amounts to a prohibition on an entire class of “arms” that Americans overwhelmingly choose for the lawful purpose of self-defense. Under any of the standards of scrutiny the Court has applied to enumerated constitutional rights, this prohibition—in the place where the importance of the lawful defense of self, family, and property is most acute—would fail constitutional muster. Similarly, the requirement that any lawful firearm in the home be disassembled or bound by a trigger lock makes it impossible for citizens to use arms for the core lawful purpose of self-defense and is hence unconstitutional.”
McDonald v. Chicago has already pre-empted so-called “red flag” laws that call for the confiscation of firearms without due process, noting that the Fourteenth Amendment declared the Bill of Rights to be operative on the States, therefore GUARANTEEING both the due process AND Second Amendment rights of citizens (again, quoting from the syllabus for the sake of brevity) :
“(3) The Court eventually moved in the direction advocated byJustice Black, by adopting a theory of selective incorporation by which the Due Process Clause  incorporates particular rights contained in the first eight Amendments. See, e.g., Gideon v. Wainwright, 372 U. S. 335, 341. These decisions abandoned three  of the characteristics of the earlier period. The Court clarified that the governing standard is whether a particular Bill of Rights protection is fundamental to our  Nation’s particular scheme of ordered liberty and system of justice. Duncan, supra, at 149, n. 14. The Court eventually held that almost all of the Bill of Rights’ guarantees met the requirements for protection under the Due Process Clause. The Court also held that Bill of Rights protections must “all . . . be enforced against the States under the Fourteenth Amendment according to the same standards that protect those personal rights against federal encroachment.” Malloy v. Hogan, 378 U. S. 1, 10. Under this approach, the Court overruled earlier decisions holding that particular Bill of Rights guarantees or remedies did not apply to the States.See, e.g., Gideon, supra, which overruled Betts v. Brady, 316 U. S. 455. Pp. 15–19. (d) The Fourteenth Amendment makes the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms fully applicable to the States. Pp. 19–33.”

OK, so universal background checks will stop the killing, right?  

Not so.  

None other than the Washington Post evaluated Sen. Rubio’s claim that “None of the major shootings that have occurred in this country over the last few months or years that have outraged us, would gun laws have prevented them.”  After an exhaustive overview of such shootings, they awarded Sen. Rubio with the rarely awarded Geppetto Checkmark, indicating that his statement was 100% factually true, WaPo Rubio Gun Control Claim Absolutely True. Even Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee acknowledged the fact that background checks would not keep firearms out of the hands of criminals when she stated from the floor of the House,
“Don’t condemn the gangbangers, they’ve got guns that are trafficked — that are not enforced, that are straw purchased and they come into places even that have strong gun laws.”  

This is all backed up by a 2016 Department of Justice study, “Source and Use of Firearms Involved in Crimes: Survey of Inmates, 2016.”  Only 1.3% obtained their firearms via retail outlets; only .8% obtained them at gun shows.  43% obtained them on the black market, while the remainder obtained them in one way or another from family and friends (stolen, straw purchased), found them at the scene, or convinced a stranger to make a straw purchase on their behalf.  By the way, only .8% of all inmates used a rifle of ANY kind during the commission of their crimes;an even more infinitesimal fraction of that .8% (something on the order of .003%) used a so-called “assault rifle.” In the final analysis, background checks have stopped nothing; those who are denied the lawful sale of a firearm due to the results of a background check still manage to get their hands on firearms anyway, and let us not forget that Gabby Giffords’ shooter PASSED his background check, as did several other high profile shooters.  The firearms used by the San Bernardino shooters firearms were straw purchased.

So lets go on to mandatory psychological evaluations prior to purchasing firearms.  

In the wake of the GermanWings suicide several years ago, there were loud shouts for mandatory psychological evaluations, thinking that this would prevent such a tragedy from ever happening again.  Noted psychologist Dr. Gary Greenberg in an article written for the New Yorker regarding the incident, 
“[…] But as any mental-health professional will tell you (and as many did in the wake of the crash), nearly one in three Americans meets the criteria for a mental-disorder diagnosis in any year, and more than half of us will qualify at some point in our lives. Once diagnosed, people with mental illnesses, even severe psychotic disorders like schizophrenia, do not commit violent crimes at higher rates than the rest of the population. And most people who have had suicidal thoughts do not go on to kill themselves, let alone a planeload of strangers…
"Mental disorders cannot be diagnosed reliably; every day expert clinicians square off on witness stands over the proper diagnosis (if any) of criminal defendants. Even if we could put flight crews through the psychological equivalent of an airport body scanner, the results would still provide virtually no specific information about what someone would do in the future. Mental-health workers are called upon to make predictions frequently—to help a corporation decide if a job applicant will make a good employee, say, or to help the criminal-justice system decide if a sex offender can be discharged to the community—and yet unsuitable employees still get jobs and sex offenders deemed safe still re-offend…”
Psychologist Dr. Erin Brown echoed his thoughts during a segment of the Today Show:
“The idea nowadays that a full psychological workup would somehow clue you in to which pilots are going to do things like this, it's fiction."
Yet the Brady, Giffords, Bloomberg, and Every Town anti-firearms groups continue to insist that psychological evaluations are the magic bullet (forgive the pun) that should determine who should or should not own a firearm. If they can’t predict which lawfully-licensed pilots are going to take down an aircraft, then they certainly can't predict which firearms owners are likely to commit crimes with lawfully-owned firearms.

These are just a few of the measures that are said to be “common sense” and which advocates of gun control assure us will prevent crimes using firearms.

With all of this in mind, I would truly like to know what laws you back that 1) are Constitutional and 2) are going to insure that CRIMINALS aren’t going to get their hands on firearms while FULLY PROTECTING the rights of law abiding citizens.

In closing, I am going to include the following breakdown of so-called “gun deaths” that took place in the United States in 2016.  I published this online a few years ago, and revised the numbers to bring them in-line with current CDC statistics:

In 2016 there were about 39,000 “firearm deaths.”

66% of those 39,000 deaths were self-inflicted; this was an increase over 2014.  By the way, the number of non-firearms related suicides for 2016 actually increased more than firearms-related suicides did.

34% were gang-related.  This number remained stable.

Less than 1,000 were accidental, and about 2,200 are non-gang related homicides. These numbers also remained stable.

Gun controllers honestly believe that background checks are going to stop that?

Restricting access to firearms isn’t going to stop suicides. Our suicide rate is about the same as Britain’s – which severely restricts access to firearms, and the world leader in suicides is Japan, which also severely restricts access to firearms, so the fact that firearms happen to be the tool of choice for suicides in the US is incidental (in Japan the two most popular methods of committing suicide are poison and jumping in front of trains).

Background checks aren’t going to stop gang-related firearm killings; Rep. Lee from Texas admitted as much when she told the House of Representatives that gang bangers use “trafficked” firearms.

OK, so we have 2,200 non-gang related homicides that we can do something about, right? Wrong. Most of the weapons used in the commission of crimes were obtained illegally, so, again, background checks will do nothing to reduce that number.  One other observation: the homicide number doesn’t distinguish between justified police/civilian self-defense shootings and crime-related shootings; this is the problem inherent in using HOMICIDE statistics rather than MURDER statistics.   It gives a false impression.

That leaves us with less than 1,000 deaths in a nation of 350,000,000 citizens who own 360,000,000 firearms that we can do something about, and most of those deaths can be chalked up to one thing – accidents.That is a problem that comes down to personal responsibility and individual lapses in judgement. Again, background checks are going to do nothing to change that.

Long story short, the premise that background checks will solve all of our perceived problems is hogwash. If gun controllers are truly concerned about those who have a history of crime and mental illness, then they need to concentrate their efforts on providing better access to mental health care and solving the gang/drug problem. Solve those two problems, and our “epidemic” of “gun violence” almost completely disappears.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Lost In The Shuffle, What About Nathan Phillips?

I am going to begin with my standard disclaimer: I voted for no presidential candidate in the last election, and I am not a supporter of Pres. Trump.

Having said that, I have a question: why has there been no media coverage of Nathan Phillips' attempt to enter the national basilica with a group of protestors during a mass to disrupt the service AFTER his run-in with the student? 

He didn't "intervene" between the "black hebrews" and the white boys, he saw an opportunity to gain public sympathy for his cause, to make himself out to be the victim of the white aggressor before attempting to effect his own invasion and confrontation of a peaceful church service.

Let's be absolutely clear: those boys had the option of leaving the scene when it became clear that confrontation was becoming imminent. They chose to stay, to put themselves in a position that was already stacked against them:

Strike 1: They were in DC for a pro-life event. 

Strike 2: They were white. 

Strike 3: They were wearing Trump hats. 

There was absolutely no way this was going to end well for them. 

But Phillips' attempt to disrupt a mass also clearly demonstrates that his intentions were far from peaceful - despite how the media have tried to portray him.  And now they have IGNORED his own attempts to disrupt a peaceful church service. The boys, conveniently and unwittingly, simply gave him a more prominent platform - and may have irreparably harmed themselves in the process.

Nathan Phillips attempts to disrupt a mass at the national basilica in Washington, DC