
Tuesday, February 22, 2022

He Is Certifiable….


Trump actually suggests that we could send “peace keeping forces” into Mexico to deal with the border situation, a la Putin, calls Putin’s strategy “genius”.  An absolute madman.  

"This is genius," he said of Putin's decision on Monday to officially recognize the breakaway provinces and authorize the use of Russian military personnel to assist them. "So Putin is now saying it’s independent — a large section of Ukraine. I said, how smart is that? And he’s gonna go in and be a peacekeeper. We could use that on our southern border. That’s the strongest peace force I’ve ever seen. There were more army tanks than I’ve ever seen. They’re gonna keep peace, all right."

If these remarks don’t convince people that Trump is a madman and a dictator in the making, I don’t know what will.

The Kyle Rittenhouse Road To Wealth….

I guess it’s a good thing I’m not a celebrity, politician, or athlete.

I said it PUBLICLY, I believe it, I stand by it: Rittenhouse is a murderer.  He should be facing federal firearms charges. His “trial” was a sham, a show trial, a kangaroo court that the judge and prosecution did everything in their power to prejudice and throw.  It was a blatant miscarriage of justice.  I don’t care that a “jury of his peers”, a jury HE CHOSE in a move by the judge that, as far as I know, is unprecedented in US jurisprudence, found him “not guilty”.

Now Rittenhouse wishes to profit from his notoriety.  Why work if you can sue your way to wealth?

The Ukraine….

 “War is the ultimate criminal act, an armed robbery writ large. And it’s always about greed. It’s always a nation that wants something another nation has. And you defeat that nation by recognizing what it wants and denying it to them.”

— Tom Clancy

The Ukraine is a treasure trove of natural resources after which Putin lusts.  The Ukraine was the ONE republic over which Russia hoped to maintain control with the breakup of the soviet union.  And now he wants it back to help address Russia’s financial and tech crises.

Monday, February 14, 2022

Meijer, Inc., Abandons Its Previous Stance Regarding Lawful Defensive Firearms Carry….

 In 2019, Meijer, Inc. issues the following statement:

The safety of our customers and team members is our top priority, so we respectfully request that our customers do not open carry firearms at Meijer. We’ve made this decision because open carry can create an environment that makes our customers and team members feel unsafe.

While I support the right to lawfully carry a firearm openly, which is legal in Michigan, I also understand the thinking behind the request.

Over this weekend (2/13/22), however, that changed.

Meijer has now adopted a prohibition against ALL lawful carry.

As a result, I am taking my business elsewhere, and I am urging all Meijer customers who lawfully carry their personal firearms to:

  1. Contact Meijer to voice your opposition to their new policy (616) 453-6711)
  2. Boycott Meijer until they PUBLICLY reinstate their previous policy.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Trump: My Opinion…

 This will be brief.

Donald “The Donald” Trump is a malignant narcissist with antisocial tendencies who has no business being FREE, let alone being president of the US.

While campaigning the first time, he promised to pay the legal fees of anyone who roughed up his detractors.

He incited the January 6 debacle.

He is running on blatant racism this time.

He is once again inciting insurrection, this time to protect himself from prosecution.

He is running PRIMARILY to keep himself out of jail.

He is blatantly pandering to his base, promising pardons for the January 6 rioters who have been convicted.

He belongs in jail, not the Oval Office.

Permitless (AKA: Constitutional) Firearms Carry….

Permitless firearms carry.  That term sends shivers through many, who assume that every criminal and gangbanger who wants to carry a firearm will be able to do so without any checks of any kind.

Nothing is further from the truth.

First, those people are ALREADY obtaining and carrying firearms without any checks.  It may come as a surprise to many that criminals/gangbangers don’t obey ANY of the laws we have in place.  They DON’T get background checks.  They DON’T observe waiting periods in those states that have them.  For some inexplicable reason, they just don’t care about any of the restrictions that are already in place.  So these laws have ZERO EFFECT on them.  As a practical consideration, firearms charges are prosecuted in fewer than 5% of cases nationally, anyway, in exchange for pleas to lesser charges.

Permitless carry of firearms doesn’t make it easier for the lawless to obtain/carry firearms.  There are a number of states that have already implemented permitless (Constitutional) carry.  People STILL need to be able to pass a background check in order to obtain their firearms.  The question is, why should the law abiding be required to pass MULTIPLE background checks in order to exercise their Second Amendment rights?  With few exceptions, they passed a background check in order to purchase their firearm (especially if it was a handgun) in the first place; with only a few exceptions in which a concealed pistol license is accepted in lieu of a federal background check, they are background checked for EVERY FIREARM they purchase.  Then, under existing permit schemes, they passed ANOTHER background check in order to get their carry permit.  In some jurisdictions, they are further background checked in order to buy firearm magazines or ammo.

Exactly how many background checks do we have to endure in order to exercise our rights under the Second Amendment?  This is the ONLY Constitutional right that is so encumbered.

Permitless carry isn’t the unregulated exercise so many represent it to be.