
Thursday, July 28, 2022

Another Open Letter To The January 6 Committee….

 Ladies and Gentlemen of the Committee: 

Former Pres. Trump has requested immunity for his role in the January 6 debacle.

Take it for what it its: an admission of guilt.

If he were not guilty, it would be unnecessary for him to seek immunity for his role in spurring on his supporters to storm the nation’s capitol.

In requesting immunity, he has effectively admitted that he is responsible for setting a hoard loose in an effort to prevent the votes from being certified.

Charge him and arrest him, immediately.

Monday, July 25, 2022

An Open Letter To The January 6 Commission….

To the ladies and gentlemen of the January 6 Commission:

Enough already. 

We, the taxpayers, are tired of hearing report after report after report telling us that you have overwhelming evidence that former President Trump is guilty of inciting insurrection among other crimes, but doing nothing about it.

I have no doubt that you have overwhelming evidence of his crimes. I heard the man’s rhetoric in the months leading up to the January 6 incident. 

I have no doubt that he tried to interfere with the election and the certification of the results.

I have no doubt that he wished for a civil war that would place him on a throne.

He is still trying, two years down the road, to overturn the results of the last election.

I have no doubt that fears that he will create a new deep state comprised of his loyalists are well-founded.

I have no doubt that former President Trump has all the makings of a dictator.

I have no doubt that former President Trump is guilty of everything for which he is being investigated.

On that note, if, indeed, you are going not going to charge him because of fears that doing so will lead to civil unrest or even civil war, then end of the charade, publish your findings, and stop wasting our money. Put it on the record publicly that he is guilty of inciting insurrection and other crimes.  But it’s time to fish or cut bait. 

Hopefully you are able to do SOMETHING that will make it impossible for him to run for the presidency again.

Friday, July 8, 2022

Marbury vs Madison: Implications For Today….

The Supreme Court decision, Marbury vs Madison, is best known for its declaration, “… an act of the legislature repugnant to the constitution is void.”

In other words, a law that violates the Constitution is unenforceable.

But Marbury v Madison does more than declare unConstitutional laws void.  It also declares that the only proper method  to understand and interpret the Constitution is Constitutional Constructionism with emphasis on original meaning. In dealing with the question of whether the legislature can change Constitutional rights just by passing laws, it notes, “But the peculiar expressions of the constitution of the United States furnish additional arguments in favour of its rejection.” This court case DESTROYS the idea that the Constitution is a “living document” that can be changed just by writing a new law.

This case is one of the most important ever decided by the SCOTUS: 

1) it declared that the federal government was to be limited in scope BY DESIGN (“This original and supreme will organizes the government, and assigns to different departments their respective powers. It may either stop here; or establish certain limits not to be transcended by those departments.

“The government of the United States is of the latter description. The powers of the legislature are defined and limited; and that those limits may not be mistaken or forgotten, the constitution is written….”); 

2) it declares Constitutional constructionism/originalism to be the ONLY valid method to determine the Constitution’s meaning; 

3) it declares that the Constitution is NOT a “living document”, it is “a superior, paramount law, unchangeable by ordinary means…”. It CAN be changed, but it must be changed CONSTITUTIONALLY - by means of the amendment process.

Every Constitutional constructionist/ originalist should have this opinion in their files, and it should be required reading for every government class AND EVERY LEGISLATOR WHO RAISES HIS/HER HAND AND SWEARS TO UPHOLD AND PROTECT THE CONSTITUTION.

The text can be found here:

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Russian “Referendums” In Alaska?

“State Duma Vice Speaker Pyotr Tolstoy proposed holding a referendum in Alaska, Volodin said, according to RBC.”

That dog don’t hunt, comrade.

Assuming you could somehow force a referendum in Alaska, you ain’t got enough loyal russkies living there to vote for your takeover.  And I’ll guarantee armed Alaskans will put up an even bigger fight than you have seen in Ukraine.

There will be a rifle behind every blade of grass.

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

The Beat Goes On… And On, And On….

 OK, I have to make the observation.


I initially posted this in April; I repost it now, updated with more recent examples.

A black man in Ohio is recently pulled over for a routine traffic stop.  Whether he fired a single shot from his vehicle before fleeing is in question.  The chief of police for that department, who readily acknowledges that the driver was unarmed when he fled, after viewing video from THIRTEEN body cams admits he did not see the movement that put his officers in fear for their lives as they chased the driver.  At least 90 shots are fired, 60 of which hit Jayland Walker; officers continued firing after he was down.  He was unarmed.  What appears to be an unloaded glock 43x is recovered from the front seat of the  vehicle; the loaded magazine is on the seat next to the gun, not inserted in the gun.  It is impossible to determine from the police photo if the gun had actually been fired.

On July 4, a white man with a long history posting violent content on social media and in the music videos he produces as a rapper shoots into an Independence Day parade in Chicago, killing 6 (so far) and injuring dozens more.  He also runs from police, but is apprehended without a single shot being fired.  He will face trial with all of his Constitutional rights in tact and protected.

I get it - different law enforcement agencies, different policies, different cultures.  That may factor in to some small degree, but nationally this is a reality that is beyond disturbing: white suspects, even obviously dangerous ones, apprehended safely while black suspects, even unarmed, are assumed to be a threat to life and limb and injured or killed outright.  I wish I could say that such disparate outcomes are rare, but they aren’t, and I am tired and angry that they continue.  

I back the Blue; I also expect the Blue to do better - to police THEMSELVES for problem officers.

End the war on crime.

Return to Serve and Protect.

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Pro-Death - As Long As It’s On THEIR Terms….

Amazing, isn’t it.  

People are ready to riot and rampage to protect a right that was created 50 years ago, recently overturned, and resulted in over 60 million deaths during its lifetime.

On the other hand, those same people are willing to riot, rampage, and even change the Constitution to shut down an explicit right that has been abused to cause a fraction of the deaths caused by abortion over the 230 year history of the Second Amendment.

They’re pro-death - as long as it’s on THEIR terms.