
Friday, June 10, 2016

Slap On The Wrist For "20 Minutes Of Action"; Or, Why Put Yourself In Danger?

I'm going to say something that will probably anger a few and bring on accusations of blaming the victim. 

I want to make it clear at the outset that the male who raped a young woman while she was unconscious is without excuse and deserving of a far more serious punishment than was meted out by the judge. It wasn't "20 minutes of action," as his father characterized it, it was rape. Her inebriated/unconscious condition didn't give him the right to rape her.  

Having said that, yes, the victim bears some responsibility for putting herself into a situation in which it could happen. 

Women have been warned for decades about the dangers of drinking at parties, concerts, etc. Many women are raped, robbed, kidnapped, or murdered every year because they either drink themselves into a stupor or drink alcohol laced with drugs that incapacitate them, yet they continue to put themselves into situations in which such things can happen. Why? Because they believe it will never happen to them, and more to the point, they don't believe they should HAVE to think about such things. If men would just stop raping, they wouldn't have to concern themselves. As true as that might be, it is also wishful thinking.

Yes, the male deserved a far worse sentence than he received, of that there is no doubt. But to the young women out there, how much longer will you continue to put yourselves into situations in which animals such as he can take advantage of you?  Proverbs 22:3 continues to be true: "A prudent person sees danger, and hides himself/herself; but the simple pass on, and suffer for it," paraphrased.

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