
Monday, October 21, 2019

An Open Letter to Michigan Gov. Whitmer....

Gov. Whitmer: the temper tantrum ends.  


You LIED when you told Michigan voters Before the election that you had no plans to seek a $.27/gallon gas tax, then turned around AFTER the election and tried to implement a $.47/gallon gas tax.  This tax is COMPLETELY UNSUPPORTED by Michigan taxpayers, the legislature knew it, and they denied the tax increase you demanded.

So in true tyrannical fashion, you took your rage out on those Michigan citizens who cannot defend themselves - school students and the disabled.

You denied Michigan public charter school students a much-needed funding increase while increasing funding for traditional public schools.  Let’s be perfectly clear: you didn’t tell what you claim to be “for-profit corporations” they don’t deserve funding (most public charter schools are NOT run by for-profit corporations), you told school children and their families - many of them low income - that THEY don’t deserve funding because you personally disagree with the idea of public charter schools.

You completely de-funded Michigan’s autistic citizens.

This is tyranny.  And it ends - NOW.