
Saturday, January 18, 2020

The Richmond, VA, Second Amendment Protest And MLK Day - Not The Contradiction Some Make It Out To Be....

“... the idea of a mass armed rally at the state capitol on a holiday devoted to civil rights hero Martin Luther King Jr. is its own form of tyranny..,”  Noah Robertson, What Virginia gun rally says about future of Second Amendment rights, Christian Science Monitor, January 17, 2020.

The author who penned that sentiment conveniently ignores that, while MLK did indeed stress nonviolent protest - the same idea espoused by the vast majority of the pro-Second Amendment protestors who will be in attendance with the same firearms they carry WITHOUT INCIDENT every day - he availed himself of his right to own MANY firearms for the defense of himself and his family.  One of his friends characterized King’s home as “an armory” because he owned so many firearms, while William Worthy, a journalist who covered the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, reported that he almost sat on a loaded gun while visiting King’s home. King applied for a concealed pistol license which, predictably for that time period, was rejected.  I can’t think of a better time to protest in support of our Second Amendment rights - a right in which MLK strongly believed and, within the limitations of his time, exercised to the fullest extent possible.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Public Comment Re: Proposed Change to Form 4473...

The ATF has called for public comment regarding proposed changes to the federal 4473 firearm purchase background check form.

One of the changes concerns a change to Section B, Sex: Male/Female.  The ATF is proposing to add a third option to this question: Nonbinary.

I sent the following to the ATF:

Regarding Section B, question regarding Sex: Male/Female/Nonbinary.  Nonbinary is not a question of sex, it is a question of perceived gender.  And since the question relates to the ability of ffl’s and law enforcement being able to readily identify an individual, the previous question regarding Sex: Male/Female is the most accurate question.

Changing this question as a nod to some social trend is counterproductive in this instance.

Leave the question as it is.  It is not worth the expense required to change the forms, nor does it aid relevant parties in readily identifying the individual attempting to transfer the firearm

The ATF needs to hear from the public regarding the futility if this proposed change.  Comments will be accepted for the next 43 days, and can be sent to the following email address: