
Saturday, October 29, 2022

The Effectiveness Of Gun Control….

So Nancy Pelosi’s husband was attacked by an intruder armed with a hammer, apparently as a result of his relationship to the speaker.  

Such attacks in ANY context are reprehensible beyond words.

Nevertheless, how proud Nancy must be that her lifetime of fighting for increased gun control has been so effective.

While she enjoys round the clock armed security, her 80-something husband was left to fend for himself against a much younger armed intruder, relying only on a phone and coded messages to law enforcement, HOPING they would be able to determine that an emergency situation existed (and not just hang up on him as a crank call or inadvertent pocket dial), wasting precious time in the meantime as they made that determination.

Well done, madame speaker, well done.  The results of your work came home to roost.

Now let’s see if they get a waiver for him to have a gun in the house, or it they determine that this billionaire is entitled to taxpayer funded armed security as a result of his relationship to Speaker Pelosi.

Sunday, October 23, 2022

But He’s A GOOD Boy….

Excuse me, by Hunter’s OWN WRITTEN, PUBLISHED CONFESSION, he is guilty of lying on a NICS background check regarding his illicit drug use.  That is a federal felony carrying a 10 year sentence; being a user of illegal drugs while in possession of a firearm is a five year felony, and being a felon in possession of a firearm is a ten year federal felony.

Pres. Biden has made a career pushing for gun control and gun bans, but now he wants his son exempted from the results of those laws.  Other people who have started new lives have still had to face the consequences of their previous choices; the fact that Hunter is the president’s son shouldn’t change that.  

Since his confession is published, this is as close to a slam dunk case as cases come.

We’ll deal with Hunter’s collusion with the Chinese another time….

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

The Hypocrisy Of DACA….

An editorial pushing for the codification of DACA made the following observation as its rationale: “[A]n adult who illegally comes across the border is making a calculated decision, while a child brought across by their parents had no choice in the matter.”

And therein lies the basic problem. ANY crime committed by parents effects the children.

There are NO exceptions.

And yet, the only children for whom I see these activists expressing ANY concern are so-called “dreamers”.

Kids suffer when their parents commit crimes every day in this country, and yet, I don’t see anyone calling for them to receive preferential treatment.  The fact that they suffer as a result of the crimes of their parents is accepted as a matter of fact.  

It’s no more than they deserve.

So if suffering is no more than the children of citizens deserve, why do the children of illegals deserve preferential treatment?