
Saturday, September 7, 2013

The REAL Reason Obama Wants To Involve Us In Syria - And Why We Cannot Permit It...

THIS is why the President is pushing so hard for us to back the rebels. It has very little to do with gas attacks on civilians; there is evidence that BOTH sides of the conflict have used these weapons. It has EVERYTHING to do with the fact that the president's brother is the chief financier of the Muslim Brotherhood. The same brother who is about to be added to Egypt's terrorist watch list for his activities with the Muslim Brotherhood ( The same brother that Egypt wants to extradite from the US (yes, he lives here and has made many trips to the White House) to answer for his role as one of the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood. The president's push to become involved in Syria has everything to do with a PERSONAL AGENDA.

We cannot allow him to use our brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, friends, sons and daughters who serve in the UNITED STATES military (not HIS military, as he referred to it while at the G20 meeting: "My military assured me that we could act today, tomorrow, a month from now, that we could do so proportionally, but meaningfully," as pawns in Syria to further a family vendetta.  Further, we need to be keeping our eyes on the hearings in Egypt, as representatives of the new government are promising that evidence will be brought forth that proves Pres. Obama's administration was complicit in the terrorist activities of the Muslim Brotherhood while funneling our tax dollars to them through his brother.

We need to bringing all the pressure we can to bear on our legislators to 1) keep us from becoming involved in Syria in any way,  2) establish an independent counsel to interface with the Egyptian government to obtain copies of all available evidence they have in their possession, and 3) proceed with impeachment.  If THIS doesn't amount to high crimes committed by the president, then nothing does.

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