
Thursday, January 9, 2014

"Somebody's Gotta Get Fired…"

The Today Show, 1/9/2103

Chuck Todd, Chief White House Correspondent: "There's either one or two things goin' on: either Chris Christie knew and he's now lied in that statement, or you take him at his word and he doesn't even have control of his own chief deputies, that there is a culture in his office where doing something like this political retribution is acceptable behavior…
Matt Lauer: "What does he have to do to try to get his arms around, or try to get control of this story?"
Chuck Todd: "He's gotta own this, and somebody's gotta get fired. Obviously, he says he doesn't know, that this was unsanctioned behavior, how is it that this person hasn't been fired yet…?"

Where was all this moral outrage as Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, and other members of the Obama administration were blatantly flaunting the law and engaging in activities that got people killed? Where was this rush to hold Obama accountable when he claimed ignorance regarding the actions of his chief deputies? Who stepped up and said, "He's gotta own this, and somebody's gotta get fired...?" Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the IRS political retribution scandal?  Any of this ring a bell?  The CHIEF EXECUTIVE of the NATION cannot be held responsible for the actions of his underlings, is not required to own what has happened in his own administration, but a governor who aspires to the White House (but for whom I will never vote) is REQUIRED to both OWN the problem and TAKE ACTION against those who perpetrated them?

Matt Lauer, Chuck Todd: if it is right to hold Governor Christie responsible for this event, then it is IMPERATIVE that you apply the same standard to President Barak H. Obama and DEMAND that he both OWN and PROSECUTE the misdeeds of his chief deputies.

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