
Thursday, December 3, 2015

We'll Skip The Wash And Head Directly To The Spin Cycle….

We now know, based on past events involving muslims,  how the White House will spin the San Bernardino shooting, even before the official statement is released: workplace violence.

From the statement issued by the White House while the search for the San Bernardino shooters was still in full-swing, it was apparent that the president was expecting the shooters to be his worst nightmare and rallying point - white, disaffected, gun-loving, conservative males. He was getting ready to threaten the nation again with some sort of executive action to put gun control into place. 

But hold on, it turns out that the shooters WEREN'T white, disaffected conservatives, they were muslims. 

It is official - the shooters are identified as Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, and a woman, Tashfeen Malik, 27. Farook, according to the reports, worked at the disability center and angrily left the facility's holiday party, coming back with Malik. It is evident from the execution and arming of the attack that he had been planning this for some time. 

His brother-in-law made a televised statement this morning that he had no idea why Farook attacked the center - and he made his statement from a CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations, an organization with known ties to the muslim brotherhood and an unindicted co-conspirator in a terrorism funding trial a few years ago) facility, with the CAIR backdrop.  Apparently that group is trying to distance itself from the attack.

During last night's and this morning's broadcasts regarding the attack, reporters are asking the question: hours had passed since the shooting, so why were the shooters only TWO MILES from the scene of the attack? The obvious answer is that they intended to die as martyrs.

I am certain that the administration and liberals everywhere will find some way to pin the blame for this attack on America.

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