
Wednesday, June 20, 2018

When Defense Becomes A Crime....

I had an interesting conversation at work today with a young lady visiting from Sweden.  It's always a bit amusing to see the expression on the faces of people from Europe when they see the hundreds of firearms we have on display, considering that most of them have been outlawed or severely restricted there.

But the conversation turned serious quickly when she said, "I used to be very anti-gun, but with the increase in serious, violent crime in Sweden I have had to change my views."  She went on to tell me that the Swedish government recently sent a booklet to all citizens advising them to prepare for a coming war.  The cause of all the problems that led to her change of view and has the Swedish government telling them to prepare for war?

The influx of muslim illegals.

She is scared, along with so many others, of the rape gangs that prowl the streets (the maximum sentence for rape by members of rape gangs is ONE YEAR, and as she observed, the prisons in Sweden are nothing like those here - they are, quite literally, like hotels with amenities prisoners here would kill for).  And the kicker?  Swedes are prohibited from defending themselves in any way.  Even the use of pepper spray would lead to criminal charges against the VICTIM.  But as she observed, the laws that prevent citizens from purchasing firearms for their own defense do nothing to keep criminal elements from procuring them: three people in her home town were killed this week during a drive-by shooting by attackers armed with fully automatic weapons.

Europeans are beginning to demand access to firearms for their defense.

Britain is considering loosening some of its restrictive firearm laws.

Europeans are finally coming to terms with the fact that their culture is in danger of being destroyed - and their governments are FACILITATING the takeover.

These are the countries anti-firearm organizations like Moms Demand, Brady Foundation, Giffords, and power brokers like Bloomberg, Feinstein, Boxer, and others hold up as the examples WE should be emulating.  I wish they could have the conversation I had today with others like this young lady.

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