
Monday, December 17, 2018

On "Arming" Teachers....

The New York Times article trumpets, "Florida public safety commission votes 13-1 to recommend arming teachers".

Nothing is further from the truth, and it highlights the lengths to which the media will go to prejudice the public against lawful firearms carry.

The commission did not recommend "arming" teachers, which would have the effect of making firearms carry part of their job, it recommended allowing teachers who wish to carry to do so. Many of these teachers already have pistol carry permits and carry off the job without causing any of the unbridled bloodshed or collateral damage the gun control lobby have been hysterically threatening for years. 

In fact, contrary to another widely- and dearly-held gun control myth, lawful firearms carrriers are better trained to accurately use their firearms than most officers. A national study of officer involved shootings found that officers are only able to hit a moving target at point blank range (2-10 feet) FOURTEEN PERCENT of the time, while civilians can do so SIXTY-EIGHT PERCENT of the time. You are more than FIVE-AND-A-HALF TIMES more likely to be shot accidentally by an officer than by a lawfully carrying civilian. 

The fact remains that civilians spend more time honing their skills than many officers who spend just enough time at the range to meet basic qualification standards. 

I hope Florida will act on this recommendation and permit teachers who wish to carry to do so.

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