Mr. President, Madam Vice-President, Gov. Newsom, et al:
I guess no one in the general public has stopped to think that all the Republicans did was turn the Democrats’ playbook against them.
For over 50 years the Democrats have used busing to solve problems. They bused inner-city kids to surrounding white school districts where the kids weren’t wanted, causing chaos in those school systems. And oh yeah, no one stopped to ask those inner-city kids if they wanted to be shipped out to those surrounding school districts, you just did it.
During the Obama administration unaccompanied alien children and illegal aliens were bused from detention and processing centers in the border states to cities in the north, where they were dropped off without asking them if that’s where they wanted to go, and without asking the cities if they wanted them in the first place. It caused chaos.
Now the Republicans have found a way to raise awareness of an issue by using the Democrats own playbook against them: busing illegal aliens to the cities and states where legislators are shouting the loudest to throw the borders open. They’re not asking the aliens if they want to go, they’re not asking the receiving cities whether they want them, they’re just doing what the Democrats did: shipping them.
Predictably, it’s doing what it did when the democrats did it: causing chaos.
So it was OK for the democrats to do it, but not the republicans.
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