
Saturday, December 31, 2022

History Repeating….

 So Biden is once again trying to force medical practitioners to perform procedures that violate their First Amendment right to religion, their beliefs, and their sincerely held religious convictions.

“Congress shall make no law . . . prohibiting the free exercise thereof [of religion - NOT WORSHIP, as Barack and Hillary tried to spin it, RELIGION].”
Congress can make no law infringing on this right, and the president cannot set it aside through executive order. 

The Supreme Court determined generations ago that any law affecting First Amendment rights must apply strict scrutiny. Strict scrutiny means the government must prove that the law meets a compelling government interest based on OBJECTIVE, QUANTIFIABLE DATA, and that the regulation is being implemented using the least restrictive means possible. It is the most difficult benchmark to satisfy. While the government may argue that it has a compelling interest in making abortion or other objectionable procedures accessible, the least restrictive standard means individual practitioners may not be compelled to violate their religious convictions; an individual is free to find other practitioners who are willing to provide the desired procedure. It is that simple.

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