
Friday, May 21, 2021

Disenfranchised Voters....

 Many voters deal with disenfranchisement.  It appears in many different forms.

One such form is the disenfranchisement experienced by conservatives.

Yes, conservatives. 

It’s the problem many states have: the rural areas of the states tend to be very conservative, but the big cities consistently override them, enacting laws or forcing them to support programs with their tax dollars with which they strongly disagree.  

There is a move in California to allow several counties to secede and form a new, conservative state, several eastern counties in Oregon have voted to join Idaho, and of course many in Texas want to secede from the US entirely to form their own country.  

I hope they can somehow get it done, but I’m not holding my breath.  The ramifications for those states as they currently exist are far reaching; people like Pelosi, Feinstein, and others would lose a tremendous amount of power, and the affected states would lose seats in congress.  The chances that congress would approve such moves - or that the president wouldn’t veto them - are slim at best.

One can always hope.


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