
Thursday, January 26, 2023

Here They Go Again In The Great Infringement State, New York….

Here they go again.  NY is so angry about the first set gun laws being struck down in the Bruen case that they came up with an even more restrictive set of laws to replace them.

With an evil twist.

Assuming this newest suit reaches the supreme court, it will be shot down even more quickly than the previous law was.

Not content to merely infringe on Second Amendment rights, the newest laws from NY also now apply a political test to the First Amendment rights of a citizen desiring a pistol carry license, requiring that one’s publicly stated views be in line with the political dogma of the ruling “benevolent” liberal junta.  Forcing firearms owners who wish to be granted the “privilege” of carrying a firearm outside the home to give the state access to their social media accounts means the state can not only use views it considers “unacceptable “ according to some arbitrary and constantly changing political standard to deny access to a pistol carry license now, it gives them the ability to continue monitoring citizens long term, with an eye toward rescinding their “privilege” should they ever run afoul of the latest political standard.

The right to carry a firearm for one’s personal defense is as much about the First Amendment right of freedom of expression as it is about the Second Amendment right to keep AND BEAR (CARRY) arms.

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