It’s about time. The FBI stated categorically that Alec Baldwin's gun could not have fired if he hadn't squeezed the trigger (, so he's been desperate to prove others are to blame - based (selectively) on Hollywood filming rules.
Fine. Let's see what the Actors' Equity Association rules say:
Rule 1: * Use simulated or dummy weapons whenever possible.* Oh, big no no there.
Rule 8: * NEVER POINT A FIREARM AT ANYONE INCLUDING YOURSELF. Always cheat the shot by aiming to the right or left of the target character. IF ASKED TO POINT AND SHOOT DIRECTLY AT A LIVING TARGET, CONSULT WITH THE PROPERTY MASTER OR ARMORER for the prescribed safety procedures.* He had an obligation TO SEEK OUT HELP AND GUIDANCE.
Rule 11: * Use protective shields for all off stage cast within close proximity to any shots fired.*. Not done.
Lucky rule 13: " CHECK THE FIREARM EVERY TIME YOU TAKE POSSESSION OF IT. Before each use, make sure the gun has been test-fired off stage and THEN ASK TO TEST FIRE IT YOURSELF. Watch the prop master check the cylinders and barrel to be sure no foreign object or dummy bullet has become lodged inside.* “But I didn’t have an obligation to check the firearm, that’s the prop master’s job.” WRONG! Even Hollywood recognizes the individual’s obligation to check the gun.
Bolding/all caps added for emphasis.
BTW, Baldwin can’t claim ignorance of proper firearms handling. He has been coached on safe firearms use over the more than 30 years he has been handling them in movies by some of the best armorers in the industry. He got full of himself and lazy.
Baldwin violated each and every one of these rules. Even Hollywood rules say he has a PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY to practice certain safe handling rules.
So is someone else guilty?
Watch this video carefully.
The agent is being handed firearms by the folks sitting at the table. Presumably, they are responsible to insure that the guns are unloaded. After receiving the guns, this “expert” fails to check them himself to insure that they are ACTUALLY “cold” (unloaded); he actually states, without clearing the gun himself, that the gun is unloaded. As a result, the “expert” shoots himself at point-blank range in the leg with a .40 s&w slug.
Now, using the logic being employed by Alec Baldwin and the “investigators” trying to protect him from any blame in the death of the director he shot, the only people in this video who have ANY guilt for the shooting are the ones who handed him the gun. The agent has ZERO GUILT in his shooting. Fortunately, he only shot himself as a result of his personal negligence; he could very well have shot one of the members of his audience.
So tell me, does Alec Baldwin deserve to be prosecuted for negligent homicide for failing to clear the firearm he was handed, or does the blame rest solely with the people who put the gun into his hands?
He’s guilty as sin - and he knows it.
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